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Currently it is Elizabeth II.

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Q: Who is England's monarch?
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Is Australia ruled by a king or queen?

Australia is part of the Commonwealth of Nations, in which the UK and the Queen is a leader of. Most people know her as the Queen of England, but Elizabeth II is actually the monarch of 16 different countries. A vestige of Great Britain's former colonial empire, these states, known as the commonwealth realms, recognize Elizabeth as their Queen, but are otherwise wholly independent sovereign states.

Who was NOT a French monarch beheaded during the French Revolution?

Dumbledore was not a french monarch and was not beheaded during the french revolution

How was Louis XIV's rule in France different from that of William of Orange in England?

Louis XIV was an absolute monarch, while William of Orange was a constitutional monarch.

Who was the first English monarch to declare himself king of Ireland?

Northern Ireland only came into existence in 1922. At that time George the V was the monarch, so he would be the answer.Northern Ireland only came into existence in 1922. At that time George the V was the monarch, so he would be the answer.Northern Ireland only came into existence in 1922. At that time George the V was the monarch, so he would be the answer.Northern Ireland only came into existence in 1922. At that time George the V was the monarch, so he would be the answer.Northern Ireland only came into existence in 1922. At that time George the V was the monarch, so he would be the answer.Northern Ireland only came into existence in 1922. At that time George the V was the monarch, so he would be the answer.Northern Ireland only came into existence in 1922. At that time George the V was the monarch, so he would be the answer.Northern Ireland only came into existence in 1922. At that time George the V was the monarch, so he would be the answer.Northern Ireland only came into existence in 1922. At that time George the V was the monarch, so he would be the answer.Northern Ireland only came into existence in 1922. At that time George the V was the monarch, so he would be the answer.Northern Ireland only came into existence in 1922. At that time George the V was the monarch, so he would be the answer.

What do you call someone who rules over a kingdom?

Someone who rules over a kingdom is called a queen or king.A monarch will rule over a kingdom. A monarch is a king or queen.

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What was Charles II of englands nickmane?

Charles number 2 the greatHe was know as the "Merrie Monarch"

Current Sovereign England?

One of the many definitions of "Sovereign" is, the reigning Monarch of a country. Englands current Sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II.

Who is the lead in englands monarchy?

The currant Monarch (the person who is to be or has been crowned king or queen) is the lead person, this is currently Queen Elizabeth II.

What was englands government type in the 1600s?

17th-century England had a Parliamentary monarchy. A Parliamentary monarchy is a state headed by a monarch who is not actively involved in policy formation or implementation (i.e., the exercise of sovereign powers by a monarch in a ceremonial capacity)

What was New Englands economy?

englands economy is weens

Is Australia ruled by a king or queen?

Australia is part of the Commonwealth of Nations, in which the UK and the Queen is a leader of. Most people know her as the Queen of England, but Elizabeth II is actually the monarch of 16 different countries. A vestige of Great Britain's former colonial empire, these states, known as the commonwealth realms, recognize Elizabeth as their Queen, but are otherwise wholly independent sovereign states.

Is englands energy imported or exported?

Most of Englands energy is imported.

What is new englands education?

new englands educational system is the same as americas

What is Englands anthem?

There is none, officially. Generally, it's God Save the Queen (which would, of course, be God Save the King if there was a male monarch) which is used - the anthem of the United Kingdom. Land of Hope and Glory has been used at the Commonwealth Games.

What is Englands capitail?


Who are Englands allies?

It is France

Does it have to be a male heir to englands throne?

No. Since the Royal assent of the Succession to the Crown Act 2013, primogeniture is not gender biased for children born after 2011. Therefore the first child of the monarch becomes heir to the throne regardless whether they are male or female.