Mary Musgrove (c. 1700-1765) facilitated in the development of Colonial Georgia and became an important intermediary between Creek Indians and the English colonists. She bridged the gap between two distinctly different societies and became a cultural mediator, who not only translated but counseled those who acknowledged her capabilities. She attempted to carve out a life that merged both cultures and fought for her rights in both worlds. Coosaponakeesa was the daughter of a Tuckabachhee lower Creek Indian woman and Edward Griffin, a Carolina trader from Charles Town, South Carolina. Her mother died when Coosaponakeesa was nine years old, and soon after, she was taken into custody of her father. She later became known by her Christian and married names, Mary Musgrove Matthews Bosomworth.She decided that she would be named Mary by having her father read her a story of a woman who was royal from The Bible. Coosaponakeesa was born in the key Creek town of Coweta, and she came from a prestigious matrilineal family. Her mother was claimed to be the sister of Brims, an important headman of Coweta.[1]
Eh, well i got this from wikipedia. Its more of a conclusion of who she is. If you need a more detailed version go to :
Mary who? Mary the Virgen? Jesus Mother?Israel
Queen Mary I was the eldest child of Henry VIII. Her mother was Catherine of Aragon. she was a sickly child with poor eyesight, bad headaches HEAVY GAS!!!!! and alot of other problems
what is Mary Kingsley's main accomplishment
It depends, in some cases yes because often Mary I is called Mary Tudor but sometimes Mary Tudor may refer to Henry VIII's younger sister. Check dates and events around the Mary Tudor and you should be able to work out which one it is talking about.
Lawrence and Mary Lawrence and Mary
Mary Musgrove was a translator in colonial America. Over the course of her life, she would have three husbands: Johnny Musgrove, Jacob Matthews and Thomas Bosomworth.
Mary Musgrove
Yes, and out of her children, 4 boys died from marliara the same year that her first husband John Musgrove died.
mary musgrove
Trevor Musgrove is the main character in Mary Amato's Invisible Lines.
South Carolina, and Georgia
Yes, Mary Musgrove was a bilingual Creek woman who could speak English and Creek. She played a significant role in facilitating communication between European settlers and the Native American tribes in colonial Georgia.