The British National Party established in 1982 by John Tyndall is currently lead by Mr. Nick Griffin. Mr. Griffin became leader of the British National Party in 1999.
Alice Paul
The labour party leader from 1932-1935 was George Lansbury.
which british was elemental in the formation of the indian national congress?
Lord Salisbury
Nazi -From Jess IMPROVEMENT National Sozialistiche Deutsche Arbeiter Partei - N.S.D.A.P.
The leader of the National Party is Warren Truss
national chair person.
British National Party was created in 1982.
Nick Clegg is the leader of the British Liberal Democrat party
The (British) Conservative Party
national chair person.
The current leader is Ed Milliband
In 2014, the leader of the Australian Labour Party is Bill Shorten.
national chair person.
Robert Muldoon was the leader of the National Party (New Zealand).
Question Time British National Party controversy happened on -20-10-09.
David Lloyd George was the Leader of the British Liberal Party between 1926 and 1931.