As with any question of this sort, it's a matter of opinion. Try Mao Tse Tung, Confucius, Lao Tse.
There are many people who could be considered the greatest mind in history. Albert Einstein is often considered one of the smartest, most influential men in history.
lina harvest has the most kids in history with the max of 44 children.
Adam Smith create the ideology of capitalism, which helped propel the Industrial Revolution, allowing for complete Western superiority in manufacturing. It has also resulted in the creation of trans-national corporations.
The most famous person in English history is probably Robin Hood; although, there is doubt that he was a real person.
Michael oduro
one of the most influential and respected philosophers in Chinese history, like for example: Confucius in Chinese is 孔夫子.
The most influential teacher in Chinese history.
jacky chan
Confucius is considered one of the most respected and influential philosophers in Chinese history. His teachings on ethics, morality, and governance have had a lasting impact on Chinese society and culture. Confucianism remains a foundational philosophy in China.
Confucius, Lao Tzu (Lao Zi).
nuclear bomb
justin beiber
Nicolas Copernicus (1473-1543) was the most influential person of the scientific revolution.
What artist from the 1960's is considered the greatest and most influential guitarists in Rock Music History? is it jimmi hendrix?