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Q: Who is the most wicked president in Africa?
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Who is the most popular former president of south Africa?

nelson mandela

Who is considered a wicked person?

Most people will agree that Adolf Hitler and his right hand man, Heinrich Himmler were particularly wicked people. The most wicked men of modern times include Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein.

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Was nelson Mandela president of Kenya?

No; he was president of the Union of South Africa.

Is Wicked the novel exact same as the musical?

No, it most certainly isn't.

Who was the fourth president of south Africa?

Jacob Zuma

What happen for the first time in south africa 1994 and who was elected president?

It was the end of the apartheid period and Nelson Mandela was elected as the first black president in South Africa

How did south Africa function with nelson Mandela as president?


Do people in south Africa vote indirectly for the president?


Who is the current national president of south Africa?

Jacob Zuma

Who is Daniel mwai kibaki?

He is the third president of Kenya in Africa

When did nelson Mandela cease being president of south Africa?

IN 1994