In 1644, English jurist Sir Edward Coke (1552-1634) was quoted as saying: 'For a man's house is his castle, et domus sua cuique tutissimum refugium' ('One's home is the safest refuge for all'). From
What year was Dracula's Castle built?
Terre Nullius means "no mans land"
it is a spanish mans last name by the name Anthony
yes by a french mans sniper bullet
paul revere
A home is a mans castle comes from the English Common Law, which was the predecessor to all law in the United States. Where a law or statute is ambiguous, a judge will still refer to the English Common law for interpretation.
It was first said by William Shakespeare.
no if you are a girl or married yes if you said no
Shirley Brown - Intimate Storm
Salvador de Madariaga
Not all pets are mans best friend, they said that dog's specifically are man's best friend. It depends.
I guess it's Windsor castle.... if a castle can be a stately home.
A gragoyle is desinged to protect the house or castle or whatever it is in the property of. They are said to become actuall animals at midnight to protect the home they are accompenied to!
The first castle built according to a website said that a motte and bailey castle which is called windsor castle in berkshire is the first ever castle built
It means you home is your property and your domain. It means that you are allowed to defend your home and property to the best of your ability against intruders. But don't do anything to any intruders if you live in Canada. Up here we cater to criminals; they have more rights than law abiding citizens do.