Sir Charles Tupper, Louis Riel, Samuel Leonard Tilley, and James Colledge Pope, to name some.
July 1, 1867. Or now commonly known as Canada day.
Newfoundland joined confederation on the 31 March 1949 as the tenth Canadian province.
Thomas D'Arcy McGee was a strong supporter of Confederation.
It way the only way B C could have entered the confederacy.
Joey Smallwood.
Pei was against confederation....
It affected confederation cuz the raids raised the Britain colonies defenses against the war with BNA so BNA had to get the same defenses by using raids
Spain joining Canadian Confederation? What planet are you on?
1867, one of the Charter members of the Canadian Confederation.
Newfoundland was against Confederation and also the french.
The impact of Canada's Confederation continues to this day.
He was for confederation
he was for confederation.
he was for confederation.
July 1, 1867. Or now commonly known as Canada day.
Because people such as Geneveive were afraid of confederation because they feared the lost of their acadian french herritage.Also their french launguge and culture. They also did not want to have to compete for supplies from their markets for their farms.
The newest Canadian province is Newfoundland and Labrador, which entered confederation on March 31, 1949. The newest Canadian territory is Nunavut, which entered confederation on April 1, 1999.