Captain William Gordon is a fictitious character (played by Toby Stephens) in the film "The Rising: Ballad of Mangal Pandey", which tells the story of the roots of the 1857 Sepoy Mutiny in India. This colourful epic focuses on the story of the friendship of an East India Company Sepoy (or Indian soldier), Mangal Pandey, and his commanding officer, Captain William Gordon, who reluctantly find themselves on opposite sides of India's growing conflict to throw off British rule.
However, a real Captain William Gordon is briefly mentioned in the book "Battles of the honourable East India Company: making of the Raj" by M. S. Naravane. On page 50 in the chapter describing the Anglo-Martha Wars in the 18th and 19th centuries it says: "Captain William Gordon was sent to the Chhtrepati Shau on what was termed a good will visit. But Gordon was under instructions to observe carefully the political situation at Satara and find out if any minister could be turned against Baji Rao whom the English feared most."
Captain William hobson was a brilliant man who new everything he had an awsome decendent of the family named Taylor
Captain John Paul Jones became the captain of the Serapis after his own ship The Bonhomme Richard sank in battle with her. The previous captain of the Serapis was Captain Pearson. As an side, the HMS Serapis was unique in that it had a hull made of copper.
Captain James Stirling did not discover Australia.
Captain Arthur Phillip died on 31 August 1814.
When WaltWhitman wrote the poem he was writing about the assignation of Lincoln. He was using the "ship of state" with Lincoln the captain of the ship. Now, the ship has lost its captain when Lincoln is shot. " Oh, captain, my captain, our fateful trip is done." he writes.
Juliette Gordon Lows' father was William Washington Gordon II. His family were early settlers in Georgia. William was a Confederate Captain in the US Civil War and a brigadier general in the United States Army during the Spanish-American War.Juliette Gordon Low's mother was Eleanor Kinzie Gordon. Her family played a role in founding Chicago, Illinois.
William Eagleson Gordon died on 1941-03-10.
William Evans-Gordon was born in 1857.
Captain Hector Gordon Robertson
george William Gordon died in 1865
William Gordon Perrin was born in 1874.
William McD. Gordon was born in 1899.
William Gordon Rutherfurd died in 1818.
William Gordon Rutherfurd was born in 1764.
William Gordon Brantley was born in 1860.
William Gordon Brantley died in 1934.
William Evans-Gordon died in 1913.