"Civil disobedience" is a generalized catch-all term loosely referring to any organized disobedience to any established law, and a method used by demonstrators and advocates of a particular cause to draw the attention of the government (and the media) to their message.
george washington
depressed classes& muslims do not participated in this movement there was no unity in this movement it was not a strong movement
William Lloyd Garrison
Civil disobedience is the active, public, conscientious breach of the law to bring about a change in law or public policy. In the letter from Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King explains the difference between just and unjust laws.
After calling-off of the Non-Cooperation Movement in 1922, Mahatma Gandhi took indirect retirement from the politics and got indulge in creative works. In 1930 Congress, accepted a goal 'Purna Swaraj' in Lahore Session and it had decided to Civil Disobedience Movement, also Congress asked for Gandhiji's leadership for it. Gandhiji again came back in political scene and announced that he would lead march to break one of the most widely disliked laws of state monopoly over manufacturing and selling of salt. Gandhiji hoped to mobilize a wider discontent against British rule.AnswerThe main reason for the Civil Disobedience Movement was the appointment of the Simon Commission which was formed by the British look into the future constitutional progress of the country.There was not even a single Indian member in the commission and for India it was an insult it was thought that the government didn't had faith in the ability of the Indian people and hence they boycotted the the proceedings of the commission.Then a round table conference was setup between Gandhi and the government,they both agreed to a settlement and signed the Gandhi-Irwin Pact...now the British government as usual didn't keep the promise and the Civil Disobedience movement was started again...this time it didn't get momentum and the government suppressed the revolt.The Congress withdrew the movement in 1934.
He was arrested for not paying taxes.
You can find Civil Disobedience questions on gradesaver.com/civil-disobedience/q-and-a
civil disobedience
Henry David Thoreau was the critical thinker and American philosopher who advocated civil disobedience when laws are unjust. His essay "Civil Disobedience" inspired many future activists and leaders to peacefully resist unjust government actions.
"Civil Disobedience" was published in 1849.
Dick or Civil Disobedience ?
Henry David Thoreau is famous for his essay "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience." In this essay, Thoreau argues for the moral obligation of individuals to resist unjust laws.
Yes, Henry David Thoreau believed in civil disobedience as a form of protest against unjust laws and government actions. He argued that individuals have a moral duty to resist laws that they believe are unjust, even if it means breaking those laws. Thoreau's essay "Civil Disobedience" inspired many activists and leaders in the civil rights movement.
Civil disobedience truly began in the 1919 revolution. This revolution happened in Egypt. The Egyptians practiced civil disobedience because they were against British rule.
Carl Cohen has written: 'Civil disobedience: conscience, tactics, and the law' -- subject(s): Civil disobedience, Civil rights 'Earth's Hidden Mysteries' 'Civil Disobedience'
In Jail
One of the most common misconceptions about civil disobedience is that it has to be violent. Mahatma Gandhi is a prominent example of someone who successfully utilized peaceful civil disobedience.