a member of the French Revolution a member of the french revolution a member of the french revolution
The cast of I Married a Vampire - 1987 includes: Temple Aaron as Portia Patricia Ann Cotter as Club patron James Beauregard as Man in club Bradford Blair as Club patron Ellen Boscov as Ex-M.B.C. Member Joe Dudley as Extra Katie Dunton as Extra David Dunton as Morris Gail Erdos as Club patron Rit Friedman as Landlord Christopher Gene as Extra Brendan Hickey as Robespiere Ben Iorilla as Extra David Iorilla as Extra Sarah Josephson as Extra Kathryn Karnes as Doria Melissa Kassell as Club patron Richard Lorand as Extra Cynthia Paris as Club patron Pascal Reinier as Extra Matilda Reis as Club patron Gayle Schechtman as Club patron Ken Skeer as Lawyer Jerry Urdang as Extra Jeff Vidiamos as Bouncer Ted Zalewski as Gluttonshire
After nearly 200 years of not meeting, a meeting of the estates general was called. All of the people of France could vote for their own representatives except for the people of Paris. The People of Paris could only vote indirectly for their representative. That made the Parisians furious. That was not changed in the next election. That made the people of Paris even madder. They did not like being treated like second class citizens.A mob from Paris walked to Versailles, seized the legislature and the king, and brought them back to Paris. Then the Paris Mob took over the government. The mob appointed 12 men to "The committee of public safety." That committee functioned like a communist Politburo. Those 12 men could kill anyone they wished. They could pass any law they wanted. For a little over a year they killed their enemies, both real and perceived. Without the rule prohibiting Parisians from participating in direct elections, there may not have been a Paris Mob.In the meantime, a number of other changes had occurred. Both the guilds and serfdom had ended. The church lost its power. The nobility lost all feudal rights. The worship of science replaced a lot of religion. One result was the metric system of measurement.It ended in the month of Thermador when the mob killed Robespiere. People celebrated their freedom. Women uncovered their breasts demonstrating their difference from the creatures the revolution had demanded they become.