The New World was discovered by ships. Traders were looking for an easier route to the east indies.
it reopened a passage to the far east for trade. many luxury items came from the east. however, by the time the mongols invaded, the people had become so used to eastern luxuries, that they had to find another way of getting there (their route was blocked by mongols!) they decided to test the theory that the world was round and sail all the ay around from Spain and Portugal to hit the back of the far east! only, they hit the Americas! that is actually why the 'west indies' are called 'indies' - because they actually thought they had linked up to India! that is also why people referred to native Americans as 'Indians' even though they are a completely different race of people!
Cause he wanted to find a new route from portugal to the east
He tried to find a western passage to south east Asia.
The war of 1898.
Christopher Colombus
De gama
Yes, he did. He was actually searching for a western sea route to Asia. He thought he could reach the East Indies this way.
Mainly to the east: East Indies (present Indonesia), Japan, Sri Lanka.
The direction refers to the direction that one must travel FROM EUROPE to arrive. You must go west to the West Indies and east to the East Indies. Before Columbus' discovery he was trying to find a route to India and/or the East Indies. At the time of his discovery trade for Far East items like silk and spices involved several steps from source to destination making the products very expensive and very slow to obtain. Had Columbus been successful the Europeans could have gone directly to the source, purchased precisely what they wanted, without a markup for any intermediary, and returned home with product in a relatively short period of time. A direct ocean route around Africa to the East indies was found by Vasco de Gama for the Portuguese in 1498.
To get silk and spices
They were looking for a shorter route to India and China.They made landfall in the west indies in an attempt to find the western passage through to the east indies. It was an accident which became profitable.
the arabs
The East Indies are Indonesia.
The New World was discovered by ships. Traders were looking for an easier route to the east indies.
it was Phyo min Nathan born Burma twenty sixth July 2001.
t find the spice islands in the east indies