Charlemage ( Charles the great)and was the son of Pepin the short. Charlemage was one of the sons of the first cristain king. clovis king of the franks.
do nothing kings
military conquest
It is probably King Charles ll or Henry llV
The most famous two is probably; 1) Magna Carta : Limits the kings rights for the first time in history 2) Versailles: The treaty that ended WW1
Clovis was the first Catholic King of the Franks, and Charles (Charlemagne) was the most famous.
military power
do nothing kings
they were called the do-nothing-kings
military conquest
military conquest
The Carolingian Dynasty included many of the early Frankish kings. The chief of which was Charlemagne and his father Charles Martel.
It was Charles Martel, is the most famous defeat of Spanish Muslim invaders at Tours in 732.
The Merovingian and Carolingian families were most influential in the expansion of the Franks. The Merovingians were the first dynasty of Frankish kings, while the Carolingians, particularly under Charlemagne, expanded the Frankish Empire to its greatest extent.
King Tut's tomb was found in the Valley of the Kings by Carter in 1921. His tomb was most famous because it was untouched by tomb robbers.
Otto I