26.2 Mile mountain man march
Which John? There are more than 100 saints named John.St. John (The Baptist)* Born: 5 B.C. * Birthplace: Judea * Died:c. 33 A.D. (beheading) * Best Known As: The man who "prepared the way" for Jesus of Nazareth
It was named after a roman god named "The SATYR" A goat-legged half-man with horns and pointed ears.
John D. Rocekfeller is the richest man in history
the first firecracker was made in about 200 b.c by a man named Li Tian
A Man Named John was created in 1965.
The duration of A Man Named John is 1.5 hours.
It is an old mountain man(named after old mountain man).
a guy
named for a man or mountain range
No, the mountain man wearing the bear "hat" was played by an actor named Ed Corbin.
Is it Elton John?
John Weddell is the name of the man who is named after the Weddell Sea.
He isn't named - just the man from Snowy River.