Some bad leaders in history are Hitler, Mao Zedong, Saddam hussien, Kim Jong Il, Robert Mugabe, Than Shwe, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Muammar al-Qaddafi, Hugo Chavez, Omar al-Bashir, Hu Jintao, King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud
I know of one leader in Germany who's infamous but known; Adolf Hitler. What he did was far past cruel and almost unmentionable.
Ottoman Empire...
Joseph Stalin, who lead the USSR and was the cause of many countries to be dictated.
I guess Hitler would be a safe bet....
The Chernobyl nuclear accident.
The youngest leader in world history is Jigme Khesar Namguyel Wangchuck, The king of Bhutan. He is 32 years old and he is the current king of Bhutan. He was sworn in as king after his father died in 2006. He has been the king since then.
because he is worst
the worst leader is Hitler because he destroyed all those Jews and for more info read dairy of Anne frank
Ottoman Empire...
The terrorist was Osman Bin Laden.
Joseph Stalin, who lead the USSR and was the cause of many countries to be dictated.
no not in the world but in Australia yes
come on this aint football this is succer the worst sport in history
I guess Hitler would be a safe bet....
Battle of Corrigador
The Chernobyl nuclear accident.
The Worst Jobs in History was created in 2006.
He is terrible and bad but it is debateble as to whether he is the worlds worst leader, his policies have no real world wide impact and are restricted to Zimbabwe itself (Not counting refugees) But some people think he is the worst dictator. See the worlds worst dictator. Regardless of the impact of Mugabe's policies on the outside world he is still one of the worst (If not worst) leaders presently in power as bad as he ishe was not the worst president, the worst one was Barock Obama.