The Hmong/Miao chinese was the first to cultivate rice and then they soon show the japanese how to do it and then it soon spread. :D
Chinese farmers mostly grew rice and patatoes. Rice filled alot of people up even thought it was a small grain. But they farmed alot of rice and picked it which was also along time to do.
it helped by getting food surpluses and the rice was just invented by chinese people so it became popular and they would eat it alot
it helped by getting food surpluses and the rice was just invented by chinese people so it became popular and they would eat it alot
rice comes from china
Thousands of years - so long ago that we don't even know. We do know however that rice was first farmed by humans 8,200 years ago in Ancient China. But that's only when man started to cultivate it, rice has been around far longer, how long, we can't tell.
The attempts to grow rice in South Carolina failed at first because the settlers did not know how to properly harvest rice.
China is believed to be the first country to cultivate and grow rice, dating back thousands of years. The cultivation of rice spread from China to other parts of Asia and eventually to other regions of the world.
Hmong (Miao or Meo) were the first person to grow rice, back 4000 BC Hmong live along the Yellow River and all southern China they all grow rice. The chinese term "miao" as rice or person who grow rice. In modern time now China recognize Miao as the oldest and one of the three founding father of China. By Chao Vang
NOT JUST THE JAPANESE GROW RICE, but a place where rice is grown is called a rice patty
in rice paddys
Yes Rice grows in japan Its known that it was found in japan on the island Kyushu around the 3rd centry.
The USA. We grow 12% of world supply of rice.
The best time to grow rice is in the Summer when it's hot and humid.
Antarctica does not grow rice because its harsh climate and frozen landscape are not suitable for rice cultivation. Rice crops require warm temperatures, ample water, and fertile soil, which are not present in Antarctica.
No.. it wasn't. Rice came from Asia. Europeans already knew how to grow rice.
Rice beds are where the rice grow. so its kind of like how you sleep in a bed they grow in a bed. I guess.FART!