The issue was not resolved by legislation. It was ultimately determined by a court case that went all the way to the Privy Council. Google "persons case" (and ignore "missing persons") to learn more about this landmark decision of the Privy Council. P.S. The five women were Emily Murphy, Henrietta Muir Edwards, Nellie McClung, Louise McKinney, and Irene Parlby. Your assignment now is to Google each of those five names and explain briefly why each woman was made a party to the court case.
Frontage became smaller with each generation.
Al Smith was the person who lost the election to Heibert hoover. many people think that he could have been a better president than Hoover. Al Smith was the person who lost the election to Heibert hoover. many people think that he could have been a better president than Hoover.
well some of them did because there werent enough job choices in china also because the population was getting to big, they soon developped the one child policy also to work on the Canadian pacific railway, to earn money to bring over thei family
being taxed on things like tea (the tea act) and printed things (the stamp act).
getting killed!!... you will be dead forever!
president Thedore Roosevelt
No one sang it. It was purely an instrumental arrangement.
In the American west.
The federalist papers
No. There has to be a man involved. Sorry dear, males are instrumental in getting females pregnant.
In the American west.
Doane Robinson, South Dakota State Historian, was the originator of the idea to have a mountain carving in the Black Hills of South Dakota. With support from others, Doane Robinson contacted Gutzon Borglum to be the sculptor. Senator Peter Norbeck and Congressman William Williamson were instrumental in getting the legislation passed to allow the carving.
Legislation is the process of getting bills ratified. The process helps eliminate problems the bill may have that will decrease the chances of passage.
You did not provide the "pieces of legislation" that we were to pick from. But I can make a good guess. He was influential in getting the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution.
Check the related link, it will take you to the site on Canadian Citizenship.
getting his proposed legislation passed
Your partner will need to get Canadian citizenship. Since you already live in Canada, then it will not be a problem for you.Ê