The nine navratans of chandragupta II OR chandragupta vikramaditya are:-
vetal bhatt
ghat karpar
Chandragupta - II
Dhruvswamini was the wife of Gupta Emperor Ramgupta and later was married to his younger brother Chandragupta II (Chandragupta Vikramaditya), the great Gupta Emperor.
Chandragupta Maurya was the founder of the Maurya Empire and ruled fro 320 BCE to 298 BCE.
No, Chandragupta Maurya would not have succeeded without the help of Chanakya.
First of all we know dhananda insult chanakya, after solving the problem related to alexander he and his student chandragupta came to patliputra , then according to the plan of chanakya chandragupta stole dhananda treasure . With the money thus obtained chandragupta raised an army and defeat dhananda.
when did chandragupta 2 take the title of vikramaditya
Chandragupta of the Gupta Dynasty was Grandfather in relation to Chandragupta Vikramaditya 2 and the father of Samudragupta. (He was different from the Chandragupta of Mauryan Dynasty).
Chandragupta - II
Chandragupta II (vikramaditya)
abhijeet sharnagatChandragupta Vikramaditya
Chandragupta Maurya was the founder of Mauryan Dynasty. Where as Chandragupta 1 was the founder of Gupta dynasty . And Chandragupta 2 (Vikramaditya) was the grandson of Chandragupta 1.By- Ritul Basu(If u liked it ,then please tell me on )
Chandragupta Vikramaditya... Gupta dynasty
The Navartnas or nine gems in the court of Chandragupta II or Vikramaditya were : i. Dhanvantari ii. Kshapanak iii. Amarasimha iv. Shanku v. Vetal Bhatt vi. Ghat Karpar vii. Varahamihira viii. Vararuchi ix. Kalidasa
Nine Jewels of Akbar was also called 'Navratnas'.
The author Kalidasa is believed to have been in the court of Chandragupta Vikramaditya and he wrote the famous play "Abhijnanasakuntalam" (The Recognition of Shakuntala). Kalidasa is one of the most renowned classical Sanskrit writers in India.