In terms of land, France controlled most of it. Spain, Portugal and the United Kingdom did have sizable colonies in West Africa, though.
Nigeria is the name of the British colony in West Africa.
Russia , -or Canada.
South Africa
BelgiumUnited KingdomFranceGermanyItalyPortugalSpainNetherlands (1700's)
They came West Africa .
Nigeria is the name of the British colony in West Africa.
Morocco's West Sahara.
Liberia, on the west coast of Africa.
Namibia/ South West Africa
Liberia. (Since the 1970's there haven't been any Colonies in West Africa, though).
Portuguese Guinea (1474-1974)
There are no colonies left in Africa. The closest thing is West Sahara, which is partially controlled by Morocco.
Equatorial Guinea is a former Spanish colony in Africa. It gained independence from Spain in 1968. The official language is Spanish, and the country is located on the west coast of central Africa.
After World War I, it was put under the control of South Africa and called South-West Africa. After gaining their independence in 1990, the country was renamed Namibia.