Asia and Europe as Japan & Russia (mainly in Asia) are located in Asia and Germany, France & Britain are located in Europe...
Russia spans both Europe and Asia as continents. but two countries it spans are Kazakhstan and Mongolia
Africa & Asia
Christopher Columbus
Oh, dude, World War 2 was fought on six out of the seven continents. It's like a global party, but with way more destruction and way less fun. So yeah, Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, and Australia were all in on the action. Antarctica was probably just chilling, watching from the sidelines.
No, Africa and Asia are two different continents. The seven continents of the world are: North America South America Europe Asia Africa Australia Antarctica
Europe and Asia
Russia occupies the continents of Asia and Europe. The two continents are also referred to as Eurasia.
Russia and Turkey are in both Europe and Asia.
No. Europe and Asia are two separate continents.
Europe and Asia
The closest continents to Europe are Asia and Africa.
The two continents are Europe and Africa.
Europe and Asia
Russia is in Asia and Europe.
Asia and Europe
Istanbul, Turkey is the only city in the world that is situated on two different continents, Europe and Asia. The city is separated by the Bosphorus Strait, with its historic core in Europe and its newer districts in Asia.