because they were too ugly and fell on the ground to puke and so they cant because their relatives eat guinea pigs and got sick so the cant because there was a dance contest in south america of Japan south cocbolboel
They tended sheep, goats, cows, and horses.
Because the parchment used to make the pages out of the book were made out of sheepskin, they needed to slaughter sheep. The slaughtered over 100,00 sheep to make the pages of the book but no-one knows the exact answer.
he wanted to go get sheep
Arabs survived on the Arabian Peninsula primarily as nomadic pastoralists, meaning that they raised sheep and goats and moved across the Arabian Peninsula in search of grass to graze. They would usually find increased greenery at one of the many oases on the Arabian Peninsula. Eventually, Arabs created cities that could effectively trade local wealth and products for foreign foodstuffs from breadbaskets like Mesopotamia or Egypt.
Nomadic means that someone moves around seasonally to find good farming ground etc - they don't have a fixed home. Pastoralists are those who's main 'job' is farming with animals e.g goats, sheep. Put them together and nomadic pastoralists are people who's main concern is raising farm animals and they move around a lot to find the best land and pasture.
the pilgrims wanted to be the parents of large herds and flocks in america.
8 sheep 4 goats
No, lambs are the offspring of sheep. Goats are not related to sheep as they are of different genus.
No sheep and goats are both herbivores.
They herd camels, goats, and sheep
No goats and sheep are of different genera. Mountain Goats are goats that originated from the mountain areas, while big horned sheep are simply sheep with big horns.
Just a sheep.
Describe the major difference between sheep's and goats
um, no. There are Shepherds that shepherd Sheep around.... Now Im not really sure about the goats but sheep are sheep in the Bible... :)
Sheep bleat.
no, i will not lead sheep
Common goats in the Philippines are Dadiangas, Nubian and Jamnapari. Common sheep in the Philippines are Katahdin. Sheep are used for more of the meat side of marketing and goats are more milk production.