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The rivalries between Britain & France in History are worldwide. There was a huge power struggle going on between various europen powers, & Britain & France were formost in this. The Caribean, the US & Canada saw much conflict over time, as well as India in Asia. Britain & France saw each other as competitors and enemies for a very long time.

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Q: Why did England and France fight to much in the new world?
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They haven't been alway, France and England did not have always been influential in Europe, in the Acient world Acient Greece and Rome had been much more influential in Europe. Since the fall of Rome they have got influence in Europe and the reason of that is that England is island nation with a strong navy, the reason they conquered the world, and France is in the centre of Europe

France in World War I?

France was one of the Triple Entente powers during World War I along with Russia and England. In the long run, actions in World War I were bound by treaties. France had a treaty with Russia, who in turn had a treaty with Serbia. Joseph Joffre was the French Commander in Chief for much of World War I.

Why did France want to go to the new world?

They wanted to have glory, just as much as Spain and England. The explorers wanted to be rich with gold and silver.

Which is colder France or England?

The Mediterranean coast of France has temperatures much higher than temperatures in England. However, temperatures in the French Alps are colder than anything in England.

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all but France and England

Did the American Revolution cause a rivalry between England and France?

No the rivalry, so to speak, was already present and had been long before the colonists rebelled. England and France had been arguing over land, trading rights and other such things in North America and elsewhere in the world for many, many years before the American Revolution. The French, who were on the brink of their own revolution at the time, viewed England's reign over much of the world as tyrannous, so helping the American colonies fight against this tyranny and gain independence was only natural.

How much time does in take to go to France to china china to England England to Mexico?

24 hours

What are the three Europeans countries and the areas in the Americas where they established settlements?

Actually there were four major colonizers of the New World. France and England colonized the majority of North America, while Spain and Portugal colonized the majority of Central and South America. Holland to a much lessor extent also colonized parts of the New World. Instead of reading the answer is Spain, France and Europe

What country controlled territory to the north of the us boundary?

France and England controlled much of Canada.