The Missouri Compromise of 1820 was the work of Congressman Henry Clay of Kentucky. By 1820 there were already 10,000 or more slaves in the territory that was to become Missouri and a slave state at that. There was a pressing need to keep the number of slave and free states in balance. In order to appease both the North and the South, Clay proposed to congress a plan to keep things in balance. Missouri could enter as a slave state and part of Massachusetts would be divided to make a new Northern free state called Maine. The compromise worked and the heated debates over slavery, for the time being was put to rest. But it was not a permanent solution in that the US continued to grow.
Analytical from the Greek word meaning to resolve. To Resolve History is a more direct meaning of the term. The act of reviewing history in a logical resolve of the events and outcomes.
Tommy Jiequin
Well, WWI was originally called the war to end all wars, so the main thing it failed to resolve was the need for wars.
He needed help to resolve the French financial crisis.
The Missouri Compromise helped resolve the voting balance between the south and the north.So Missouri was admitted as a slave and Maine was admitted as a free state.
The Crittenden Compromise
missori became slave state, and manie became free state and gave a solution to slavery
The Missouri Compromise of 1820 allowed Maine to be admitted to the Union as a slave state. This was to counter balance having Missouri enter the Union as a slave state. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 allowed Maine to enter the US as a free state and allow Missouri to enter as a slave state.
By adding in Maine as a free state and adding in Missouri as a slave state to balance power between slave states(mostly southern) and free states(mostly northern)
The Missouri Compromise of 1820 allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state, Maine as a free state, and established a boundary prohibiting slavery north of latitude 36°30' in the Louisiana Territory. However, it only temporarily appeased tensions over slavery and ultimately failed to resolve the issue, leading to further conflicts such as the Civil War.
It was lame
The one from a cook book
This compromise admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state, thereby keeping the existing balance between the number of slave and free states. The slave owners knew there was opposition to slavery in the free states and were always worried that runaway slaves would not be returned to their owners or that slavery would be abolished throughout the country.
To resolve the argument about which parts of the vast territory acquired by the Louisiana Purchase should be slave-states and which should be free states. Anywhere North of this parallel would be free soil.
representation in Congress