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Shi Huangdi standerized many elements of Chinese life because, he thought they where so hard on there life so he made it simpler to there life.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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Mones Simab

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βˆ™ 4y ago
Hmmm I don't think so???? I mean I have social studies answers (im in 6th btw) I came here to see answers and I don't think your right. He did it so he can be emperor in be in full power. OMG I ANSWERED MY OWN QUESTION BAHAHAHA! Lol!
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Mones Simab

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βˆ™ 4y ago
Ak sorry no I am wrong and stupid. I thought I was smart for 5 minutes. :P
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Why did huangdi standardize many aspects of Chinese life?

What are 4 achievements of the Qin dynasty

Why did Shi Huangdi standarize many elements of Chinese life?

Because Shi Huangdi was the first to unite all of China under one ruler (himself). He strengthened this by abolishing feudalism and dividing China into administration units for easier rule. Additionally, he standardized the units of measurement of the weights and measures, as well as the currency and the writing script.

Shi huangdi life span?

Shi huangdi is emperor of the Qui Danasty and the creator of the first unified Chinese empire. He is also known for his interest in immortality, his huge funerary compound that contains some 8,000 life-sized terra-cotta soldiers, and for his contribution to the Great Wall of China.

Was Shi Huangdi overthrown?

No, he died just after sending people to get the "Elixir of Life".

What was the first thing Shi Huangdi did in his life?

The first thing he did was get married and have his first son

Was Shi Huangdi murdered?

No, at least historical records didn't indicate this. His death might caused by poisoning for frequently taking elixirs which contain heavy metal elements to make himself long life, but actually he lived 49 years.

What is prana in the Ayurvedic system?

The basic life force in the body is prana, which is also found in the elements and is similar to the Chinese notion of chi

In what ways was Shi Huangdi an autocrat?

Shi Huangdi was an autocrat by first of all, giving himself the name Shi Huangdi, ”Shi” meaning first, ”Huangdi meaning emperor, by doing this he declared himself ruler for life and nobody could go against him.

Qin dynasty daily life?

Definition: The Qin Dynasty [221-206 BC], while only fifteen years in duration and only including three emperors, was one of the most important and influential of periods in Chinese history. The first emperor Qin (Qin Shi Huangdi) united the "Warring Tribes," creating the rudimentary elements of a united China. Other achievements of the Qin dynasty include strengthening the Great Wall, and standardizing currency and language. The army of terra cotta soldiers also dates to the Qin dynasty; they were found in the emperor Qin Shi Huangdi's tomb. The harshness of the Qin regime led to its downfall the year after Shihuangdi's death.

What elements are essential to life?

The four elements essential to life areoxygencarbonhydrogennitrogen

How can you use the word standardise in a sentence?

standardize: evaluate by comparing with a standardexStandardize the format of each entry such that all aspects of the life cycle are covered.

Why did you thinks Shi Huangdi feared for his life?

To prevent criticism, Shi Huangdi and his prime minister, the Legalist philosopher Li Su, murdered hundreds of Confucian scholars. They also ordered "useless" books burned. These books were the works of Confucian thinkers and poets who disagreed with the Legalists.