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Because their cheap and go to the cheapest places

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Q: Why did many immigrants settle in ethnic neighborhoods?
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Why did many immigrants settle in the nations cities?

They could live in ethnic neighborhoods with people who shared their culture

New Immigrants?

Immigrants from southern and eastern Europe who formed a recognizable wave of immigration from the 1880s until 1924, in contrast to the wave of immigrants from western Europe who had come before them. These new immigrants congregated in ethnic urban neighborhoods, where they worried many native-born Americans, some of whom responded with nativist anti-immigrant campaigns and others of whom introduced urban reforms to help immigrants assimilate.

Where did many Chinese immigrants settle?

Most Chinese immigrants settled in the western cities. Most of them were in California.

What do immigrants do?

Immigrants travel from their respective countries to another country. Immigrants tend to travel in groups, or settle in areas with many people of their same ethnicity.

Why did the immigrants settle in the west during the 1800s?

Open and in some cases free land and good natural resources.

In what cities did German immigrants settle?

Many German immigrants settled in New York, Milwaukee, Cincinnati and Nacogdoches.

Why were the immigrants allowed to forego inspection?

Many immigrants entering into the U.S. were allowed to forego inspection as a result of escaping ethnic persecutions such as the Jewish emigrants.

Why was Illinois important?

Illinois is a land of contrasts. Parts are very agricultural and this is a contrast with Chicago which is a large city. There are so many immigrants from all over the world in Illinois. You have more Polish in Chicago than Warsaw, Poland. There are Mexican neighborhoods, African-American neighborhoods, and Asian neighborhoods. There are many professional sports teams in Chicago, and there are many parks and forests.

What was old and new immigration?

Type your Old immigrants came from northern and Western Europe, they were mostly protestants and spoke English. They had a high level of literacy and occupational skills which made it easy for them to join society. New immigrants came from southern and eastern Europe, many were poor illiterate peasants who were not used to democratic traditions. They were largely Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox and Jewish, upon arrival they would crowd into poor ethnic neighborhoods. answer here...

What two US cities does nearly one in every five present-day immigrants settle?

There are many locations where immigrants like to settle in the US. The top two US cities are Miami Florida and the San Jose or Silicon Valley area of California.

Why did immigrants settle in cities in their own ethnic communities?

Immigrants settled in cities because that's where they landed, and many did not have the resources to travel to other areas where conditions were better.Moreover, from about 1870 onwards the US became a predominantly urban society. If one compares the number of towns and cities with 100,000 or more inhabitants in 1870 and in 1920, the development is very striking, especially in the South and the West.Most immigrants settled in cities because that was where most of the jobs were. Often, immigrants lived in very poor areas, which were overcrowded and unhealthy. Immigrants settled in cities because there was work available for them within the cities. Housing was also available.

Why is there such great variety of ethnic groups on the Caribbean islands?

Because so many people came to the Caribbean as colonists, slaves, or immigrants.