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The island of Great Britain has been invaded only four times in history.

After stone age the island was inhabited by Britons, who were celts. Romans conquered Britain in AD 43 because they got tin and other products from there and the celts were their enemies. Romans left Britain in AD 410, because they had no use for the province anymore and they needed troops to protect other more significant areas of their empire. Many Romans mixed with Britains celtic population.

After that germanic peoples of northern Germany and Denmark invaded Great Britain. Angles, Saxons and Jutes are usually called just Anglo-Saxons. They left from mainland Europe because the Huns were destroying everything and caused the Barbarian Invasions, and they moved to Britain, since it's a safe island and Romans just left it. Anglo-Saxons mixed with the previous people on Britain.

In 9th century the vikings invaded Britain from the North. They left from Norway and Denmark because there weren't enough women for the men (vikings preferred male children) and not enough farmland either. Vikings mixed with previous peoples of the island also.

In year 1066 Britain was conquered for the last time, by Normans, who came there from Brittany, France, but they were from Skandinavia originally (thus Normans, North men). They mixed with the population like all the other invaders previously.

So the island of Great Britain was celtic at first, then conquered by Romans, and after they abandoned it, conquered by Skandinavian/germanic peoples three times successively.

In 19th century French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte tried to conquer Britain, but didn't succeed, because the British fleet won the French fleet. In 20th century German leader Adolf Hitler tried to conquer Britian, but didn't succeed either, because the British air force won the German air force.

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11y ago
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13y ago

Round about the fifth century AD the Romans left Britain living the British weak and helpless, in desperate hope the British king Gurthigern called on the Saxons as mercenaries (who were German worrier farmers that were respectable to royalty) for help to stop the northern countries from invading Britain even though Gurthigern thought the Saxons intended to do more then fight of Britain's enemies as he called them the 'wolves in the sheepfold', but by requesting this risky request the Saxons now knew that the British were weak and defenseless. So they decided instead of helping the British, they decided to invade Britain and the reason why they did this was because their lands were repeatedly flood and that was making it almost impossible to grow their crops and this was also shortening their food supply living them short on a lot of things. So when the offer was given for the Saxons to help the British, the Saxons knowing that Britain had plenty of good land to grow their crops on and their crops were successfully growing very well. Also they wanted to raid because of know riches which was fount from previous raids. That's when they decided to invaded and settle down and farm in Britain. But half way through the fifth century more and more Saxons arrived in England to take over the land for themselves. Which meant the Saxons population was getting bigger and this made it easy for them to protect England from invasions. And this is the reason of staying in Britain because the Saxon population was getting Larger so it would be a benefit for the Saxons to stay in Britain because their defenses had become stronger.

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14y ago

The Romans were building an empire and could see England from France. The invaded to extend the empire and also because they were aware that England produced allot of wheat and tin.

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13y ago

they were so angry and they wanted to rule

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13y ago

England and the Allied Forces invaded Normandy, France to repel the Nazi Germans occupying France.

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12y ago

u lot r so stupid u dont even give da answer so i will. LOLOLOL

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11y ago

Because I live in england and I am sexy

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