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So multi national companies can expand their territory into the UK and the bank that issues the euro can get rich off the interest rates and own the people forced to use it. Charge a membership fee of £41 million per day (and rising) and make this money un-accountable so fellow rulling elite can steal the money. First the politicians like Tony Blair had to be bribed this was done successfully. No vote could be given to the British public because it was known from research that they would say no to union. False proposals like a Bill of Rights were offered to the people but as of 2010 these still only exist on paper, after all this was not the original purpose of the EU.

The previous person to attempt European Union was a man called Adolph Hitler although many disagreed with his methods.

In short it was a cleverly orchestrated criminal conspiracy.

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14y ago
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17y ago

The UK had been desperately trying to enter the EEC since about 1961. Its first two applications to join were vetoed by Charles de Gaulle in 1963 and 1967. It was considered absolutely essential to have full and unimpeded access to the vast market that the EEC provided and also to be involved in decision making within the EEC. (Britain could have become a member when the EEC was established but at that time many leading British politicians thought the whole thing was huge joke).

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9y ago

The United Kingdom, Ireland and Denmark joined the European Common Market in 1973. However Norway chose not to join in 1973. The following countries joined in the following years: Ø1981 - Greece

Ø1986 - Spain, Portugal

Ø1995 - Austria, Sweden, Finland

Ø2004- Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia

Ø2007 - Bulgaria, Romania

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12y ago

Because it wanted to apply and it did so and joined what was then known as the European Economic Community on the 1st of January 1973.

Because it wanted to apply and it did so and joined what was then known as the European Economic Community on the 1st of January 1973.

Because it wanted to apply and it did so and joined what was then known as the European Economic Community on the 1st of January 1973.

Because it wanted to apply and it did so and joined what was then known as the European Economic Community on the 1st of January 1973.

Because it wanted to apply and it did so and joined what was then known as the European Economic Community on the 1st of January 1973.

Because it wanted to apply and it did so and joined what was then known as the European Economic Community on the 1st of January 1973.

Because it wanted to apply and it did so and joined what was then known as the European Economic Community on the 1st of January 1973.

Because it wanted to apply and it did so and joined what was then known as the European Economic Community on the 1st of January 1973.

Because it wanted to apply and it did so and joined what was then known as the European Economic Community on the 1st of January 1973.

Because it wanted to apply and it did so and joined what was then known as the European Economic Community on the 1st of January 1973.

Because it wanted to apply and it did so and joined what was then known as the European Economic Community on the 1st of January 1973.

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12y ago

The United Kingdom was offered to be a founding member of the European Union but refused. The UK has a history of minor isolation from Europe, and sometimes does not involve itself in European matters (which is much different today). The UK just thought there was no need to join the EU, but saw it as an advantage later on and applied for membership once in 1961, canceled, then reapplied again in 1967 and was granted admittance in 1973.

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9y ago

There is no answer to your question. What is now the EU was set up by six countries in 1957. They were France, Italy, West Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands. So all 6 were first to join. In 1973 another 3 countries joined at the same time, so none of those 3 were first to join. They were the United Kingdom, Ireland and Denmark.

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15y ago

list the countries that joined the e.u.in1973

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15y ago

Ireland, Britain and Denmark joined what was then called the European Economic Community, now known as the European Union, on the 1st of January 1973.

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12y ago

Because it wanted to apply and it did so and joined what was then known as the European Economic Community on the 1st of January 1973.

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7y ago

Because the UK government thought that the UK would be better off as members of the UK - which at the time only had nine member countries. There are now 28 member countries.

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What was the exact time the UK join the EU?

January 1, 1973 is the day that the UK joined the European Union.

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Is the UK in the EU?

Yes. They joined in 1973.

When did the UK apply to join the Eu?

The UK applied for membership to the European Union on August 10, 1961, but later cancelled. They applied a second time on May 10, 1967 and was granted admission on January 1, 1973. The UK was asked to be a founding member of the EU, but refused.

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Northern Iceland?? Its just Iceland, and it hasn't joined yet, the accession process just begun. If you mean Northern IRELAND, UK , it joined EU within the GB in 1973.

What did the UK join in 1973?


Why UK didn't join the EU with the official name Great Britain?

Great Britain is composed of England, Wales and Scotland. The UK is Britain + Northern Ireland. To join the EU as Great Britain would be to exclude Northern Ireland from the EU.

This country joined the eu in 1973 wit Ireland nd UK?

The United Kingdom, Ireland , Denmark and Norway all applied to join the union but the Norwegian gorvenment lost a national referendum and did not accede with the others in 1973.

When did the United Kingdom of Great Britain join the Eu?

1973 - along with Ireland and Denmark.

What was the date that the united kingdom joined the EU?

The United Kingdom was a founder member of the EU when it was created in 1992/3. The UK joined the EU's predecessor organisation, the European Common Market in 1973.

Should UK join the EU?

It may come as a shock to discover that the UK joined the EEC (as it was then) in 1973. So, the UK has been a member for 35 years! What more, the UK, having poured scorn on the EEC when it was founded in 1955-57, soon started begging to be let in, only to have its first two applications vetoed by France (in 1963 and again in 1967).

What country joined the EU in 1973 and has land border with part of the UK?

Republic of Ireland.