The price of the slaves varied based on the individual slaves appearance. If a slave was strong and lean they would cost higher than most while one slave that had more weight or was skinny cost the least because they wouldn't be as good as the others.
They took them to Europe and the US. They were sold at a small price.
The 1944 coins are valued in price between $5 and $10 each. The price of the coins will vary depending upon their condition.
You can currently get one for around 250 pesos. The price will vary depending on the area and the materials used.
cotton and slaves cotton and slaves cotton and slaves cotton and slaves cotton and slaves
If you mean slaves in the US, the answer is Africa.
Prices of PDA's can vary. Features and the amount of memory they hold will determine the price range. Cell phones that have different PDA capabilities with also vary in price.
well Sparta has slaves but they well are vary cruel and mean to there slaves and Athens gives and has respect
Because they were abundant, available and the price was right,
SGD$1706(price vary)
A lot less than before
it can vary from $3-$20
They vary in price
reasons may vary, hotel price, plane ticket price, peak/off season...
Current prices of aluminum scrap in the UK are around $455 per MT. This price will vary depending on the grade of aluminum scrap you have as well as the price does vary on a daily basis with commodity pricing.
Depending on the physical fitness of the slaves. Since they got sick over the voyage the price was very little.
The price of any used item(s) can vary from seller to seller.