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AnswerSerfs were slaves and they owed everthing to the Lord (landlord). AnswerSerfs were not slaves. Some of them really had no need for money, because they paid rent in labor or a part of the crop, and the manors were pretty self sufficient, but many of them had means to make money, and some paid their rent with money. When they had money, different forms of taxation appeared, and the lords very often were responsible for collecting this.

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Q: Why did the serfs work on the land for the vassals?
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What is a lord in European history?

During Europe's feudal era the land was rationed out to war veterans in return for service. These veterans were referred to as lords or vassals and generally presided over a large stretch of land on which many pseudo-slaves called serfs worked.

Freeing the serfs did what for the Russians?

In practical effects, it did nothing. Serfs were bound to the land that they worked. When Tsar Alexander II issued the Emancipation Manifesto it freed the serfs but created economic conditions that made it impractical to leave. The Russian government took land from the owners but paid them for it. Then the serfs were required to repay the government with what were called "redemption payments." Typically, redemption took about 49 years. Serfs were free to leave but if they did leave they had no land to work. Many left for the cities to work in factories instead. If former serfs wanted to own their own farms, they had to pay the redemption payments first.

What did the lord provide for the serfs?

Most serfs worked on manors as farmers. Serfs also worked at other jobs as well, including nearly all unskilled labor. This included forestry, mining, providing labor for building castles and roads, carting, river transportation, and so on. Some serfs were manorial officers who organized the labors of other serfs and the land they were assigned to work on. There were serfs who worked at other specialized tasks, including blacksmithing, baking, weaving, spinning, simple carpentry, and making pottery. Many of these people became skilled enough to establish themselves as independent craftsmen.

What duties did a lord of a manor and his serfs owe one another?

Serfs were required to work the lord's land for food, as well as taxes and manor labor. The lord was a general governor of his people, set to protect the serfs and settle disputes between them.

How did invasions contribute to the beginning of the feudal system?

The feudal system was created, or rather evolved, to meet threats of invasion and other chaos that were more or less constant from the middle of the third century in the Roman Empire and the states that occupied the lands of the Roman Empire after it divided and the West Roman Empire collapsed. There was no real hope of quick reaction to difficulties by a strong central government as there had been during the times Roman Empire. What developed to replace it was a system in which a much weaker central authority passed that authority off to a group of loyal followers, or vassals, who assembled their own groups vassals to whom they passed authority, and so on to the bottom of the society, which was the serfs. The people at the higher level than serfs could respond quickly, organize things, and keep the system going, in the face of any threat. There were problems with this system, especially when the vassals became disloyal. But the thing that destroyed it was that the world outgrew the need for it.

Related questions

What did the vassals give the serfs?

the vassals would give protection to the serfs and also protect the land

Explain the difference between vassals and serfs?

Vassals are nobles in medieval society who swore loyalty to a lord in return for land and serfs were peasant laborers.

How do you explain the difference between the vassals and serfs?

Explain the difference between the vassals and the serfs

What is the difference between the vassals and the serfs?

the vassals are the kings slaves and the serfs are like a nun and monks

Why was land the most important gift a lord could give a vassal?

Lords granted lands to vassals because they had a lot of land and needed men to fight in their armies. They also couldn't manage their land alone. As a solution, a lord would give land to vassals in exchange for the vassals agreeing to fight in his army. The vassals would have peasants and serfs work their land.

Feudalisms religious concept of hierarchy featured?

a caste system of overlords, vassals, and serfs

How was wealth determined in Medieval Europe?

The Feudal System which provided wealth and land to vassals, jobs for knights, and work for serfs.

Why did the serfs work on the lands for the vassals?

The serfs were near the bottom of the food chain in the Feudal System.The vassals either served the King , or a local Lord. Some people who chose to remain free risked starvation and no protection from marauders if they rejected serfdom.

In what order are serfs vassals and tenants ranked under a king in the feudal system?

At the very bottom. They had no freedom and no one below them.

What responsibilities did lords have in the fuedal system?

Lords and vassals were granted land plots in exchange for offering services to protect the king. The serfs worked this land for the lords in exchange for their own protection. Therefore, the primary purpose of a lord was to master the art of war.

In the feudal system who did nobles grant the use of farmlands to?


Who do vassals have power over?

Vassals were loyal to the person(s) above them. Therefore a king may have a vassal who may have other vassals loyal to him. A vassal has power over his serfs, or his vassals. Also the vassals have power over the peasents.