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European totalitarianism (such as Nazism, Communism, and Fascism) began as a result of the Great Depression.

The Depression had many country's citizens desperate for a solution to their economic problems, and followed the extreme socialist leaders who promised restoration. These leaders became dictators who took advantage of their power and their people's support to create totalitarian governments.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

After the World Trade Centers fell and images of it were seen by everyone, the government got the necessary amount of patriotism/nationalism from the people to lead them into a war with no just cause. They labeled the Taliban as an oppressive government and demonized them and Al Qaeda as "freedom haters" (how can anyone hate freedom?). This gave the Americans the will to lead an all out offensive on the third world country Afghanistan. As Americans irrationally feared Islamic Arabs and "terrorists," due to the media constantly informing Americans of supposed terror threats (with little to no sources) and keeping them worryied, the government was able to take away large amounts of rights from the American public with the Patriot Act. Some of the major points of this Act are the government's ability to spy , keep files, tap the phone lines, search the property without a warrant , and indefinately arrest without a trial ALL suspected terrorists. So, any person person that posed a threat to the government could lead to them being called a "terrorist" and consequently being sent to jail/tortured.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The rise of Totalitarianism first started before WWII. After America had their Great Depression, some of the European countries were also affected. BUT, totalitarian and fascist dictators came to rule (Hitler in Germany) and told their people what they wanted to hear. This is one of the reasons why Germany's great depression was over immediately. The main purpose of this type of government was to put the entire nation before the individual person.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Totalitarian leaders managed to create a strong following from militant leader and groups, provided their own strict doctrine of control, then used their associations to take control of extremely fragile governments all ready in place, earning the hearts and minds of the public by promising to make their nation the greatest in the world.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

yo should go to to see whats there

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Joseph (Uncle Joe) Stalin did not start totalitarian government.

He developed the Communist system of government.

These are slightly different.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

It originated in Italy.

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