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So people can find new places to live

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Q: Why do explorers explore?
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What did explorers explore?

gold and spice

What do explorers explore?

there were many explorers and many of them ended up in north America.

Where did queen Isabella explore?

Queen Isabella did not in fact explore anywhere. she sent explorers to go. these explorers mostly went to the new world.

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Why did explorers explore?

Because they felt like it

What do viking explorers do?

they explore the new world

What are the space explorers?

They're people who explore space

What rivers did French explorers explore?

mississippi river

Why do exploreres explore?

Explorers explore because they have nothing better to do. Explorers also like seeing the sea and taking the risk of dying for other people to know about things.

Who were the first Europeans to explore the Americans?

Spanish explorers were the first Europeans to explore North America.

What type of noun is explorers?

The noun "explorers" is a common noun, as it refers to a general category of people who explore.

Who were the first europeans to explore the southwestern part of US?

Spanish explorers were the first Europeans to explore the Southwest.