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today many modern people lived in Africa and the population have the density and population growth kinda so im doin homework so i don't

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becausee i said so

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Q: Why does History it affect population distribution?
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Which of these factors does not affect population growth?

birth rate

How do landforms affect population distribution?

probably topogrophyand location of water.

How does the location of a place affect distribution of population?

Location of a place can affect population distribution in the following ways; A given area in which there is availability of social ammenities such as hospitals,good roads,public library,schools,etc will have more people migrating to such area. The following will also affect location distribution of population; Political factors. Climatic considerations. Employment opportunities.

How did gold affect western history?

it did from increasing the population by A LOT

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It affected population distribution poorly. It caused more people to move to the cities and it became very crowded. Living conditions worsened and disease spread rapidly.

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What is the history of distribution channels in Nigeria?

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How did the industrial revolution affect the cities and population distribution?

It affected population distribution poorly. It caused more people to move to the cities and it became very crowded. Living conditions worsened and disease spread rapidly.

What is the difference between a population distribution and sampling distribution?

Population distribution refers to the patterns that a population creates as they spread within an area. A sampling distribution is a representative, random sample of that population.

What is the population density and distribution for Portugal?

10,486.22 this is the density population and this is the distribution population 2,00465.789

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Population distribution is usually greatly affected by what?