because most of our opinions and inventions and other things come from cultural diffusion that got passed on. cultural diffusion - group copying actions or words off another group
Research is important to the writing of history beause it's fact and evidence. Bias is a very important thing to avoid in the writing of history because history tends to repeat itself, knowing history is a great way to avoid future mistakes but bias can make learning history difficult because it's not entirely true.
They are parts of history that should not be forgotten and are very important for research.
Well, there are multiple things that have made a huge impact in the world. Some have been bad, and some have been good. For most important there are about 20. But I'll just give you a few. There is: The Wheel The Telephone The Computer (or internet) The Refridgerator But if you have a project to do and your looking for an important invention, think of something that almost everybody has that is a need or is very important!
anything is important in history events
studying history helps us to know about our ancestors and the very important incidents like world war. we should know about the things happened in the past before we are born so by studying history we can know that.
Very important. The perfect example is the plague.
Research is important to the writing of history beause it's fact and evidence. Bias is a very important thing to avoid in the writing of history because history tends to repeat itself, knowing history is a great way to avoid future mistakes but bias can make learning history difficult because it's not entirely true.
Ivan Kuskov is very important to California history because he helped establish the cultural history of Fort Ross.
He did not impact history at all. But he is very important in the history of Art.
Because its history and where it is it very important
I think he thinks its very important
Diabetes education is very important even for those with no family history. If someone becomes diabetic there are very specific needs that this person will have and having the education and understanding is important.
because they think they are smart in past history
Generally the European people is too busy to think in their history, and the history of Europe is very very complex... but exciting!
To be rich
Guatemala has a very important history. For example, the Maya Civilization once dwelt there.
We can learn from the mistakes people had made in the past. So it is very important to study history.