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In entire Europe the medieval churches were the highest buildings as they were built to worship God in the holy mass. No other building was allowed to be higher. Also the normal people could not afford to build houses for themselves that would have been more expensive than a minster or dome or cathedral.

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Q: Why in york no building is taller than the minster?
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What is the york minster used for?

York Minster is a cathedral

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Is there anything in New York taller than the statue of liberty?

The statue, with its podium, is 305 feet tall. Any building with more than 30 stories or so is taller.

Where is the York Minster?

York Minster is the popular name for the Anglican Cathedral in the City of York in England. It's full, correct name is The Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of St Peter in York. An extract from the Minster's web site explains the word "Minster" "Minster Churches are basically churches that were established in the Anglo Saxon period as missionary teaching churches. York Minster is also the Church of the Archbishop of York. He is the most senior bishop in the North of England. It is where he has his seat, called a Cathedra, which makes York Minster a Cathedral as well. Not all Minsters are Cathedrals, and not all Cathedrals are Minsters, but York Minster is both. The present Minster is the largest Gothic Cathedral in northern Europe and was built over a period of 250 years"

What does big peter bell weigh in york minster?

It is not clear what "big peter bell" refers to, and there is no specific information available about its weight in York Minster. York Minster is home to a historic set of bells known as the York Minster Bells, with the largest bell weighing approximately 10.5 tons.

What symbols are in the york minster?

There are many thousands.

How wide is York minster?

524 feet

Who financed the York minster?

People who chose to donate sponsored York Minster. It was built entirely upon legacies and gifts given freely by people.

What has the author David Potter written?

David Potter has written: 'The bells and bellringers of York Minster' -- subject(s): Cathedrals, Change ringing, History, York Minster

A 102 story building in New York?

The Empire State Building, which is the tallest building in NYC, is 101 stories. The TV/radio broadcast antenna located at the top of the building does make it seem taller.

What is a stain glass window?

The Great East Window at York Minster, York, England.