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Someone once said that those who do not learn about history repeat it (or something to that extent). If you don't want to bad things to happen again, learn about and try to prevent them. It is also important to study History because if you want to know how the world really started, then you can research History and try to find out.

History teaches us many vital lessons about life.

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14y ago
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16y ago

If you were in a position to change life the way we know it, and you had insight as to how things turned out before, in the past, you might be well to base your desicion on facts from the past, or history. Then bad things wouldn't be repeated.

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14y ago

History helps us in not repeating the past, but it is also important in arguing the present. How many times have you written a formal essay and used historical examples? History gives cultural insight as well and helps to change the future.

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14y ago

it's important to learn about out country's history because history always repeats itself. also, when history does repeat itself, we have a better understanding on how to resolve it. for example, we can get ideas on how to help our economy by looking back at the Great Depression.

Also, so to learn how superior your country is over other countries and races of people prompting extermination.

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14y ago

It is important to learn of your ancestors and the world before your time. Looking back at it helps you understand the world then and today.

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6y ago

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Knowing history makes you a better voter and citizen.

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14y ago

Its is good to learn about both the good and bad history because you learn from the mistakes that they did and you understand the country more :) <3

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