Rurik, a Viking chieftain, is considered to be the founder of the Rurik Dynasty which ruled the Kievan Rus. The Kievan Rus is an area that would eventually become Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The first Tzar (ruler) of Russia, more or less as we know it today, was Ivan the Terrible (IV).
Russia got it's name from the barbarian tribe Rus who lived there.It is thought to have gotten the name from the Scandinavian ethnic groups which came and took on the name of Rus, becoming the idea for the name Russia.
The time frame wasn't given to answer this question because Russia has been called more than one name. In World War II Russia was called the Soviet Union or the USSR.
Russia was simply Russia in 1880.
The early principality of Russia was called Kievan Rus. It was a federation of East Slavic tribes centered around Kiev in present-day Ukraine.
It was called Kievan Rus.
The first country/culture in Russia was a Viking kingdom called Rus.
It means 'Rus'' ("Русь" in Russian), "Россия" ('Rossiya') and therefore 'Russia'. Rossiya ("Россия"), 'Rus'' ("Русь") mean 'Rus'', 'Rossiya'. What means 'eng' in the word 'England'? 'Russia' means 'Rus''.
The people who first settled the areas along the Volga were called the Rus. In German, Russia is "Rusland".
Because there were 'Kievskaya Rus'' ("Киевская Русь" in Russian), 'Kiev Rus'", 'Kiev Russia'. That was one country. That is the one country. Russia, a Kievskaya Rus, was baptised and took birth in 988 A.D.
There are two syllables in Russia: Rus/sia
USSR Русь - Rus`
The barbarian tribe Rus.
Rus originates in Scandinavia or Russia. This is a shortened version of the word Russia. However the origin has not actually been fully verified by Western academics.
The word 'Russia' is actually English. In German 'Russia' is Russland which means 'a land of the Rus". Originally the name was 'Rus' that corresponds to the semi-legend South-Baltic tribe of Rus. We call our country "Россия" which in translitteration is 'Rossia". That name was fisrt officially proclaimed in the 15th century. But even as back as that time the country of Moscovits was called in the style of the ancient Rus. But then in the period of Empire the name Russia (Rossia) took its dominance. The stem 'Rus' (Ros) originates in the name os the tribe.
The people living in the area of what is now Russia were referred to as 'Rus' in Medieval Latin. They then adopted this name and formed the country of Russia.