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In ancient times, people told the time thru the use of a sundial. A sundial could be anything from a stick in the ground to a tall object in order to watch the shadow that the sun would create. Over time, towers we're built and used as sundials, and also as a watch for danger to the city, (such as invading armies). These we're called 'Watchtowers'. As the man stood in the watchtower keeping a watch, or a lookout for the city, he would also watch the shadow created by the tower in order to tell the time of the day. Every hour he would ring the bell in the tower to let the city know what time it was. Hence...the timepiece on your wrist is referred to as a 'Watch'. The word 'Clock' actually means 'Bell'. Many tall towers today found in town square's still have a clock and/or a bell at the top of the tower signifying that the use of the towers we're for telling time. And many church steeples still have 4 windows or a bell, just like old watchtowers.

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