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There are many reasons:

  • Cultural and religious diversity
  • A region that is valued by most of the world
  • The origin of some religious traditions
  • Oil resources
  • Vast archaeological treasures
  • Good people
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8y ago
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13y ago

It allows people to use it for irrigation, farming, drinking, or to locate oil. There is an abundance of water in the Middle East but there is an unequal distribution of it. Unequal distribution leads to conflict between countries. This is a much better answer than the last one.... Trust me... It said "cause it is". HOW STUPID lol. Hope this helps... BTW TYPE IN Christianity IS.... ON Google IF YOU ARE CHRISTIAN......NOT GOOD...........

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10y ago

Considering that they compose >90% of the Middle East population, and govern all but two of its dozen or so nations (Israel and Cyprus), they are very important to the functioning of the Middle East.

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13y ago

When the Tigris and Euphrates rier overflow and flood, it creates rich fertile soil, in which crops grow best in so it has great stratigic importance.

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The Torah relates how, in what is now called Israel, Abraham and his descendants began the Jewish people; and the books of the prophets relate that the Israelites lived in Israel.

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Q: Why is the middle east important?
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Who imperialized the middle east region?

the middle east was a large aria to control but the most common answer to who imperialised the middle east is Germany throughout ww2 The only two countries that occupied lands in the middle east are England and France

What is the largest city in the Middle East?

The largest city in the Middle East is Istanbul, Turkey. Wicked common mistake, Istanbul geographically is part of Europe, and Tehran is the current largest in the middle east Istanbul Does not belongs to Middle easf it, Turkey is half in Europe and half in Asia. By any mean Tehran is the larget city in Middle east

Why is the middle east called the middle east?

According to an article in Foreign Affairs (Davison, 1960) the term Middle East was popularized by an American naval officer named Alfred Thayer Mahan in 1902, but it might have been used by the British during their years of colonialism in the region. China and Japan for example were considered to be the Far East so the region between the Far East and The West then became the Near East or the Middle East. Although at times in history the Near East denoted the Balkans, it now generally means the Middle East plus Turkey and Iran. The terms Middle East and Near East are eurocentric because they describe a region in relation to Europe or The West. Despite this, the term is now accepted and even people in the Middle East call it that (Al-Sharq Al-Awasat means Middle East in Arabic). The issue of why the Middle East is called the Middle East is an interesting example of how simple geographic names are emeshed in geopolitics and can shift in meaning over time.For a more detailed history read: Roderic H. Davison, "Where is the Middle East?" Foreign Affairs, Vol. 38, p. 665 -675. July 1960

What is the hottest Middle East country?

The hottest place in the Middle East is ((Kuwait City)) the temperature their once reached 146 F.

What did the Seljuk Turks do when they conquered the Middle East?

They adopted the Islamic religion and ruled the Middle East for more than 400 years.

Related questions

Name and explain the most important market places in the middle east?

Mecca and Dubai are the most important market places in the middle east.

Why is Riyadh known as the Middle East?

Riyadh is not known as the Middle East. Riyadh is an important city in the Middle East and the capital of Saudi Arabia, but the Middle East has a lot more than just Riyadh.

Is tradition in the Middle East important?


Why is desolation so important in the middle east?

Desolation is not important in the Middle East. If you meant to ask about Desalination, please see the Relatd Question below.

A holy city in the Middle East?

There are many holy cities in the Middle East, but Jerusalem and Mecca are most important.

Why is the middle east an important world resource?

The Middle East is an important world resource because there is a lot of oil in that area which is useful. For example, gas for your car.

What bodies of water are important transportation corridors in the middle east?

give an example of a transportation barrier in the middle east

What is an important rare resource in the middle east?


What mineral is extremely important in the middle east?


Why do you think the discovery or fertilizer was important of the middle east?

Because the water is rare in Middle East and farmers could not grow their crops

What are the most important countries in middle east?

In terms of what? Probably the most important countries in the Middle East in terms of power would be Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey.

What are the two most important rivers in the middle east?

The four most important rivers in the Middle East are the Nile River, the Jordan River, the Euphrates River, and the Tigris River.