because he was the king Umm... Not quite. Thucydides was a General in the war, in control of 7 ships. He was blamed for the loss of one of the cities and while in exile, he wrote The History of the Peloponnesian War. He was one of the first real historians, using information derrived from both sides of the war, and did not include anything religious. So he was one of the first to write a real history, instead of a religious story to explain what happened.
They provide information to Certifying Officers.
One can find out about the history of Porsche design on the Internet. Online sites like Porsche-Design, PorscheBahn Wordpress, and Porsche provide a detailed history background on Porsche designs.
In the past I would have said that some of the documentaries on the History Channel are interesting (the Civil War series by Ken Burns was excellent). Now I would not recommend History Channel to anybody. I don't see anything listed on the channel that is even remotely connected to history (i.e., Swamp people, brothers etc.). However, History International is great (I have to pay a little more for that channel) plus the Smithsonian channel and National Geographic. And, of course, there are BOOKS. Some are fiction based on historical information, some are just the information, both are good sources. Museums, Natural History Museum, whatever is in your city. I like the films in particular because you can actually see what life was like back then (the films go back several hundred years when the camera was invented). I like to see the clothes people wore, their homes, their towns, what they did for entertainment, you know like Deadwood (HBO). Very very interesting.
It may let you know more about an account than a written report. A written report may give you false info about an account while an oral report is straight facts because the person is telling you face to face about the event that took place.
It may let you know more about an account than a written report. A written report may give you false info about an account while an oral report is straight facts because the person is telling you face to face about the event that took place.
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