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His exile to Elba was quite generous actually, since he was the de facto Emperor of Elba with a personal staff, his retinue and his servants. He even retained his title and had control of everything on the Island.

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13y ago
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13y ago

He was seen as a threat to political stability in Europe. Since he had previously broken his parole while on Elba, the location and condition of his exile were quite different.
He was considered a threat to the peace and tranquility of Europe.

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11y ago

Because Prussia, Russia, Britain, Austria, Sweden sent him to Elba and brought the Bourbon kings back to rule France.
Because, after his abdication he was exiled there by the victorious powers, who consented he retained the tile of emperor, granting him full sovereignty over that Island.

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12y ago

well. he had a long criminal past and him and his friend, Johannes J. Buttlicker thought that they were gonna get caught so they drove their jetskis over there without telling anyone so that no one would know. True Story.

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13y ago

He was considered a threat to the peace and stability of Europe so he was paroled to Elba as an exile.

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13y ago

To get him out of European politics forever. That plan failed and he broke his parole, excaped, resumed his position as head of the Army and Emperor of France.

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8y ago

After his abdication, Napoleon Bonaparte was exiled there by the victorious powers, who consented he retained the tile of emperor, granting him full sovereignty over that Island.

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13y ago

Because tha British beat him

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Q: Why was Napoleon forced to live on Elba Island?
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For his first exile he was sent to the island of Elba in 1813 but he would return to France and rule again for about 100 days before he was ultimately defeated again at the Battle of Waterloo sending him into exile a second time in 1815 to the small island of Saint Helena in the Atlantic Ocean where he would live out the rest of his days.

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Quite well, he lived at Longwood House a choice estate with his servants and retinue.

When and where Napoleon Bonaparte live?

Napoleon Bonaparte, perhaps one of the most well-known historical figures was born on the island of Corsica in 1769, which at the time belonged to France. He spent his earlier years as a soldier, and later commander of the French army, where he spent time in campaigns all over Europe. After becoming emperor of France in 1799, he lived there for a time before setting out on campaign, where he traveled to such places as Egypt and Russia. Once he was defeated in 1813 at Leipzig he was exiled to the island of Elba in the Mediterranean. He escaped after a year of confinement and returned to France, but was then defeated in 1815 at the battle of Waterloo and exiled to the island of Saint Helena in the south Atlantic for the last six years of his life.

On which island did Napoleon live?

He was born in Corsica, but then he and his family moved to France.

What is rats live on no evil star?

It's an example of a palindrome - a word, phrase, or sentence that reads the same in both directions. Some are actually meaningful, such as this describing the fate of Napoleon during his exile: "Able was I, ere I saw Elba" (grab a history book if needed, LOL!).

How long did Napoleon live?

From May 18, 1804, when he was acclaimed Emperor, through April 6, 1814, when he abdicated for the first time. Then, from March 1815 through June, 22,1815, when he abdicated for the second time, in favour of his son.

Where did Napoleon live most of his live?

In Paris, France.

When did Napoleon live?

From 1769 to 1821.

What did Napoleon Bonaparte not do?

live today

Where does Napoleon live?

Preston, Idaho.