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Because the natives had no defense in their immune system that could fight off the numerous European diseases. So the Aztecs and Incans were dying rapidly completely separate from the brutal Spanish massacres. The conquering of the two great empires would have been undoubtedly more difficult without the disease factor.

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15y ago

Their technology (fire arms, steel weapons and armor) and mobility due to horses was a deciding factor.

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11y ago

The Spanish had firearms and armor, and were trained soldiers, but they also had the help of rival tribes including the Tlaxcalans, who had been oppressed by the Aztecs.

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the answer is simple. the Spaniards brought some ferocious dogs to scare them and they would give up to them.

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7y ago

The Spanish came with guns and weapons and introduced the horse to North America. They were a military and had the ability to fight where the Native Americans were out armed.

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Q: Why was it so easy for the Spaniards to overrun the Tainos?
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