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from a perspective of a Protestant back then, he had made churches more catholic and he was financially worse(ship money)

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Q: Why was parliament better than king Charles?
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Who caused the English Civil War?

Monarchy's status declining. King James and Parliament clashed because Parliament had one advantage, more money than James. James re-called Parliament to discuss his son's marriage to princess of Spain, and Spain wasn't seen as a friendly country at the time. The English Civil War occurred because Charles II disbanded Parliament.

What were the political effects of the English Civil War?

The short term causes is something i do not know and is exactly what i am looking for however i know what the long term causes are. Religion, Politics, Economy. Short term causes may have something to do with how Charles used his money; on his own clothes, favourites and his family rather than on his country

How did King Charles I lose the civil war?

Charles I was defeated in the Civil War for a number of reasons:-Rich supporters of Charles' ran out of money so he couldn't get supplies.His soldiers were badly equipped.He had no money to train and pay his soldiers.Parliament chose well experienced commanders. (Cromwell and Fairfax)Parliament controlled the south-east of the country which was the richest part.John Pym set up a organised system to supply Parliament with money.The Navy supported Parliament, so it was easier to get supllies and men from abroad.

Who was to blame for the English Civil War?

The king was more to blame due to his greed and arrogance. He could not efficiently handle money which is the reason why he barely had any money. He also always tried to force Parliament to hand some over. He attempted ship money, which made those who lived on the coast pay extra taxes to support the navy, but later, it was enforced on all the citizens of England. The shutting down of Parliament for a little while does not help his case either. Through this, the King lost many natural supporters of the monarchy and military which aided the Parliament in becoming more powerful than the monarchy. Also parliament because they didn't give him enough money to last his reign, which is why he had to keep going back for more. They made him sign the death warrant and they introduced the 19 propositions which made king Charles like a puppet king. Also they built up an army without his permission xx

How did the glorious revolution show that Parliament had gained more power than the monarch?

Because King James II fled the country and never dared come back.

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Which monarch was beheaded at the conclusion of the english civil war?

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because Cromwell's son didn't want to follow his father's footsteps and no one else was willing, so who better than the next in line to throne.

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Who is Charles first and why is he important?

Charles I was king of Britain in 17th century. His main importance lies with his protracted wrangle with Parliament as to the right to rule as King. For a period, he ruled alone without Parliament as an absolute monarch and this gave cause to the English Civil War in 1640's. Parliament was a long way from being representative of the people, being selected by the wealthy landowning classes - and choosing wealthy landowners as a result - but was better than nothing to avoid a dictatorship. The upshot was that a reigning monarch was arrested, tried and condemned to death by beheading. On 30 Jan 1649, Charles I became the one and only crowned monarch to be executed, thus cementing his unwelcome place in history.

Trigger facts about the English Civil War?

There are many different reasons for the causes of the English civil war but first I will start with the religious disputes over archbishops Laud's reforms of the church. Reforms were introduced that made churches more decorated (like catholic churches) Charles I collected customs duties without parliaments permission, he married a French catholic who was unpopular with his people. The Bishops' Wars were fought between the Scots and English forces led by Charles I. These conflicts paved the way for the uprising of Parliament that began the English civil wars. Charles I was attempting to enforce Anglican reforms onto the Scottish church. However the Scots were opposed to this, and even wanted to destroy the control that bishops had over the church. To this end, Charles' reforms were rejected by the Scottish Assembly at Glasgow in 1638. Charles was furious that the Scots had rejected his proposals, and hastily formed an English force with which to march on Scotland in 1639. He did not have the funds for such a military expedition, nor confidence in his troops, so he was forced to leave Scotland without fighting a battle. The unrest continued in Scotland, and when Charles discovered that they had been plotting with the French he again decided to mount a military expedition. This time, Charles called Parliament in order to get funds (1640). The second cause was the financial quarrels between the king and parliament. When parliament formed, they immediately wanted to discuss grievances against the government, and were generally opposed to any military operation. This angered Charles and he dismissed parliament again, hence the name "Short Parliament" that it is commonly given. Charles went ahead with his military operation without Parliament's support, and was beaten by the Scots. The Scots, taking advantage of this, went on to seize Northumberland and Durham. Charles found himself in a desperate position, and was forced to call parliament again in November, 1640. This parliament is known as the "Long Parliament". The third cause was the demands made by parliament for greater share government. The tension between Charles and Parliament was still great, since none of the issues raised by the Short Parliament had been resolved. This tension was brought to a head on January 4th, 1642 when Charles attempted to arrest five members of parliament. This attempt failed, since they were spirited away before the king's troops arrived. Charles left London and both he and parliament began to stockpile military resources and recruit troops. Charles officially began the war by raising his standard at Nottingham in August, 1642. At this stage of the wars, parliament had no wish to kill the king. It was hoped that Charles could be reinstated as ruler, but with a more constructive attitude to parliament. Parliaments were supported by the richer South and East, including London. Parliament also held most of the ports, since the merchants that ran them saw more profit in a parliament-lead country. Parliament definitely had access to more resources than the king, and could collect taxes. Charles had to depend on donations from his supporters to fund his armies. The fourth cause was that Charles I ruled without parliament. Charles I dissolved parliament because of all the disputes and ruled without it for 11 years. King did not like the wealth, power or ideas of parliament. He began making the decisions about taxes without parliament. The fifth cause was that the ship money argument. Without parliament, Charles had to think up new pays of raising money, e.g. ship money which was paid in times of war by people living the coast, now had to pay by all people even though there was no war. The sixth cause was that the parliament was recalled and demanded reforms. King Charles I wanted money, so he reopened the parliament to get money but they demanded the reforms e.g. never to be shut down again. These are called the long - term cases. Some M.P.S demanded more reforms from the king in a new list called 'the grand remonstrance' other M.P.S stick up for the king because he has already greed to some reforms. A rebellion starts in Ireland where Catholics murdered 200,000 Protestants. The England wondered if Charles supported the Catholics. Charles I try to arrest five M.P.S while parliament is in session, but they had escaped before hand. This lost the king a lot of respect and showed he wanted to control parliament after all. Parliament and the king argued over who control the Army. Only six days after trying to arrest the five Members of Parliament, Charles left London to head for Oxford to raise an army to fight Parliament for control of England. A civil war could not be avoided. By 1642, relations between Parliament and Charles had become very bad. Charles had to do as Parliament wished as they had the ability to raise the money that Charles needed. However, as a firm believer in the "divine right of kings", such a relationship was unacceptable to Charles. These are called the short - term causes. From the beginning of his reign, King Charles quarrelled with parliament about power. King Charles dismissed parliament in 1629 and ruled without it for 11 years. In 1635, King Charles made everyone pay the ship money tax. The Scots rebelled against the new prayer book which the king and archbishop laud introduced in Scotland. In 1638, the Scots invaded England. King Charles asked parliament for money to raise an army. Parliament made King Charles agree to reforms in 1641. King Charles and archbishop laud made changes of the Church of England which were unpopular. The puritans were angry about the king's Catholic sympathies. These are shot - term causes and long - term causes, they are linked together between causes and how they lead to civil war. I think there were almost as many reasons for people to fight the civil war as there were people fighting. Briefly, however, the main reason for the war was the king Charles I and his various parliaments did not agree about anything - religion, how the country should be run, how England should behave towards other countries and so on. This was made worse by the fact that Charles I, believing that kings got their power from god and so could rule as they chose, made no attempt to keep his parliament happy. He spent eleven years ruling without parliament at all. When the long parliament, called in 1640, tried to make him change his ways and he refused, war broke out. (Some important things may not have set off the war, without the small triggers). Hope this Helps

The primary reason that no new colonies were founded between 1634 and 1670 was?

Trouble started in 1624. with an alliance between James I and France. France became involved in the Thirty Years War from 1634 to 1648. Now the Thirty Years Was is one of the great conflicts of early modern European history. The War consisted of a series of declared and undeclared wars which ranged though the years of 1618-1648 throughout central Europe. The Thirty Years War was also, at least in part, a religious war among Catholics, Lutherans and Calvinists. The series of conflicts, military and political, which make up the Thirty Years War are highly complex. Having France as a ally meant that James I had promised to help France in the war effort. In 1625, Charles I becomes King of England. He marries Henrietta Maria, sister of Louis XIII of France. Now France and England are tied together through royalty. The year prior Parliament votes for war against Spain. When asked for money by Charles I they refuse making the King angry thus dissolving Parliament. King Charles ruled personally for the next several years without a Parliament. In 1628 Parliament reassembled and presented the King with the Petition of Rights (an important document setting out the rights and liberties of the subject as opposed to the prerogatives of the crown). King Charles is forced to accept Parliament's statement of civil rights in return for finances. Once again in 1629 Charles I dissolves Parliament and rules alone until 1640. King Charles calls Parliament to session again in 1640 to ask for money. Parliament refuses and again the King dissolves Parliament. England is in turmoil, Parliament reconvenes and the Long Parliament begins. King Charles and the Parliament disagree on many things and the country is falling apart. In Ireland Catholics revolt and some 30,000 Protestants are massacred. Civil War breaks out in England in 1642 and lasts until 1649 when King Charles I is tried and executed. The Commonwealth, in which England is governed as a republic is established and lasts until 1660. The Convention Parliament restored Charles II to the throne in 1660. Charles II is not much better than Charles I and there is trouble between the King and Parliament, but in 1664 England seizes New Amsterdam from the Dutch and changes the name to New York, renewing interest in the colonies if only for a few months. London was hit first by the Great Plague in 1665 and then the Great Fire of London in 1666. The Dutch fleet defeats the English in Medway river as a result treaties among Netherlands, England, France and Denmark are made in 1667. The following year a triple Alliance of England, Netherlands and Sweden is made against France. So you see it was a very busy thirty years for England and the North American colonies were not at the top of their priority list. :-)