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The English Bill of Rights are so important because they protect our freedoms and liberties from the government. If there were no Bill of Rights, then the government would do whatever they wanted with America.

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The English bill of rights was important to English citizens because it enumerates certain rights to which subjectsand perminant residants of a constitutional monarchy were thought to be entitled in the late 17th century.

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it added religous freedom

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Q: Why was the English bill of rights important to the English citizens?
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Why was the English bill of rights important to the citizens?

The English Bill of Rights was important to English citizens because it enumerates certain rights to which subjectsand perminant residants of a constitutional monarchy were thought to be entitled in the late 17th century.

Why was the English bill of right important to English citizens?

The English Bill of Rights was important to English citizens because it enumerates certain rights to which subjectsand perminant residants of a constitutional monarchy were thought to be entitled in the late 17th century.

What protected the rights of English citizens and became the basis for the American Bill of Rights.?

The document that protected the rights of English citizens and was the basis for the American Bill of Rights was the Bill of Rights.

The protected the rights of English citizens and became the basis for the American bill of right?

The document that protected the rights of English citizens and was the basis for the American Bill of Rights was the Bill of Rights.

Why was the addition of the bill of rights important to the states?

Its was important because, it guaranteed citizens freedom. he bill its self say, "The Bill of Rights". This bill make sure all the citizens had rights..

Why is the bill of rights so important American government?

It is important for citizens to know about the Bill of Rights because, the Bill of Rights is made up of the ten commandments:)

What did the English bill rights provide?

it gave english citizens representation in their government

The English bill of rights in a brief sentence?

The English Bill of Rights was an important act passed by Parliament.

What was importance of the English bill of rights?

Guaranteed certain inalienable rights to citizens in England and was the model for the American Bill of Rights. GO AWAY

What was the agreement signed by William and Mary to respect the rights of English citizens and of parliament with the right free election?

The English Bill of Rights

Why was the bill of rights so important to history?

I was important to add the bill of rights to the constitution because if we did not we would not have our rights protected a citizens of the united states of america.

The significance of bill of rights?

The Bill of Rights is important because it guarantees American citizens certain rights. However, it is often ignored by the government now, as many of our rights are being violated.