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More immigrants came to the United States from southern and eastern Europe.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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Kazi Mahin

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βˆ™ 4y ago

The increase in immigrants from southern and eastern Europe.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Because there was no single British race.

British ascendancy was attributed to the racial virtues of the Anglo-Saxon, with a little help from the Celt.

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Q: Why was the concept of the Anglo Saxon race developed?
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What brought about the Anglo-saxon race?

The increase in immigrants from southern and eastern Europe

Where did anglo-Saxons come from?

Kna The Angles, a tribe from what is now Denmark, and the Saxons, from a nearby area in what is now Germany, and the Jutes, from Jutland, invaded what is now England in the 5th Century and displaced the vestiges of governmant of Roman Britannia. All three groups spoke closely related Germanic dialects and a common language eventually developed among the various kingdoms they created. That language is now called Anglo-Saxon, and the term is also used to refer to the people who spoke that language and to distinguish them from their later conquerers, the Normans under William.

What was the naval arms race about?

arms-race-naval-arms-racetalks about this here

How did race and slavery come to be almost synonymous.was it not possible to extand slavery to white person.?

Race and slavery have become almost synonymous because slaves were all the same race. If the majority of slaves were white, this could have extended to the Caucasian race.

Who were the angles and Saxons?

Anglo-Saxons is the term usually used to describe the invading tribes in the south and east of Great Britain starting from the early 5th century AD, and their creation of the English nation, lasting until the Norman conquest of 1066. The Benedictine monk, Bede, identified them as the descendants of three Germanic tribes:The Angles, who may have come from Angeln, and Bede wrote that their whole nation came to Britain [3], leaving their former land empty. The name 'England' or 'Ænglaland' originates from this tribe. [4]The Saxons, from Lower Saxony (German: Niedersachsen, Germany)The Jutes, from the Jutland peninsula.The Angles and Saxons were closely related, and spoke different dialects of Ingweonic (North Sea German). They could probably understand each other, but probably made fun of each other's accents like the present-day Norwegians and Swedes. Neither could understand the Jutes, who moved south and mixed with Franks in Hannover before moving to Frisia. Chances are they had trouble understanding the Frisians too.

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What is anglo saxon superiority?

Anglo Saxon was the term that was used to describe the "Caucasian" race in the early 1900s. Anglo Saxon superiority was the mindset that that race was better than the others and America belonged to them.

What is the prominent race of people in England?


What is race is Archie bunker?

Human. His ethnicity is white Anglo saxon.

Who emphasized the evolutionary superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race?

Charles Darwin

What brought about the Anglo-saxon race?

The increase in immigrants from southern and eastern Europe

How did Prince William's race and religion impact him?

It made him a White, Anglo-Saxon Protestant.

What brought about the concept of Anglo Saxon race?

The increase in immigrants from southern and eastern Europe.

Can another word for white people also be Anglo saxon?

Yes they are Anglo Saxon are the white race of people who were first up North in Norway, England then through out Europe and then North America and now found world wide.

How did the ideas of social Darwinism help revive assumptions of superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race at home and abroad?

Social Darwinism used the concept of "survival of the fittest" to justify racial superiority, arguing that certain races were more evolved and therefore more fit to dominate others. This led to the resurgence of beliefs in the superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race, both domestically and internationally, as a way to justify colonial expansion and reinforce existing power structures.

Who was the primary architect of the American System that also said that Native Americans were essentially inferior to the Anglo-Saxon race?

Henry Clay

What has the author William Gordon Mackendrick written?

William Gordon Mackendrick has written: 'The destiny of the British Empire and the U. S. A' -- subject(s): Prophecies, Anglo-Israelism, Anglo-Saxon race, Bible

What race were the serfs?

There was no special race of serfs. In the event of a recent takeover by outsiders, the serfs where of whatever the previous group had been. For example, after the Normans took England from the Anglo Saxons, the serfs were all Anglo Saxon. Aside from that, there was often no distinction. German serfs were German, as were their rulers, for example.