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Before the French Revolution, the executions were different whether you were a aristocrat or a common folk.

Depending on you social ranking, you were beheaded with an axe or a sword, hung to death, drowned ...

The worst was the Wheel on which you were beaten to death by the executioner and sometimes by the crowd.

As a convinced revolutionary, Guillotin believed in equity and suggested the death penalty should be the same for everyone. He also wanted to make it as unpainful as possible.

His suggestion was adopted by the National Assembly at the end of 1789.

(but I will repeat : Guillotin did not invent the machine ....)

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7y ago

The guillotine is not a invention of the French revolution.

It was invented to behead people, and adopted by the French so as to kill people more humanely, with less suffering. Its name comes from the doctor Guillotin who proposed to the French National Assembly to drop any forms of torture and abandon hangings.

It was thought to be humane

Back in the day, the guillotine was considered a humane and efficient way to execute people.

Beheading people with an axe or a sword is actually quite tricky, and there are several reports of clumsy executions requireing several cuts before the person finally died. A gulliotine is easy to use and just about never leaves a job half-done.

Hanging also takes some skills.

Too short rope, and people have to die through strangulation, which undoubtedly is unpleasant and takes time.

Too long rope, and the head comes off. Fast, but just as messy as the guillotine.

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13y ago

It was a quick and easy way to decapitate someone as it severed the head so quickly they could feel no pain, making it more humane.

Ans2. The Guillotine was not necessarily more effective or efficient, a major proponent, Dr Guillotin was more interested in its humane aspects.

He did not invent the machine, it was known of in England at least since 1286 some 500 years prior to its use in France in 1792.

In northern England it was colloquially known as the Halifax Maiden - 'for young men had been to loose their heads over her'.

This machine had an unusual feature in that the pin holding the blade could be pulled out by a rope under the control of as many as considered themselves wronged by the offender. This recalls the 'stoning to death' and the 'firing squad' where it is not known who delivered the fatal blow.

In the Halifax case, if the wrong had been done to an animal, the rope could be pulled out by that animal.

The above information mainly from Book of Days, Chambers, Edinburgh, 2 vols. A sort of medieval 'trivial pursuit' of information.

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What execution method was used most in the french revolution?

The Guillotine was used during the french revolution.The device is noted for long being the main method of execution in France and, more particularly, for its use during the French Revolution, when it "became a part of popular culture, celebrated as the people's avenger by supporters of the Revolution and vilified as the pre-eminent symbol of the Reign of Terror by opponents

What was the worst Victorian school punishment?

The most severe punishment during the Victorian period was death by hanging. If a criminal was not sentenced to hang then they would have been imprisoned, men would be sent to the armed forces, given a hard labor sentence or sent to the colonies (most often Australia).

What did French invent for chopping off peoples heads?

The guillotine, created by Doctor Joseph-Ignace Guillotine in France. It is mainly associated with the Reign of Terror during which it was used to decapitate large numbers of people.

Did people have there heads cut off during french revolution?

The guillotine was the finest execution device available at the time. It was fast acting and virtually painless since it killed you in the "twinkling of an eye". It was low maintenance, it could be rapidly recycled when required for multiple users and it was accurate and error free. There would be no more botched executions with people slowly strangling while dangling from the gallows. Multiple axe blows were never needed and the government had made the law such that every case of Capital Punishment would be given the same form of execution. It was superior in every way, but it would remain a public spectacle for many years even though the audience dwindled after the novelty wore off because it lacked the drama and the excitement of a well choreographed public drawing and quartering.

How many people were guillotined in 1793?

The best estimate is about 40,000 between 1789 and 1799. It sounds like a lot but it is really only eleven a day for 10 years. That could hardly put in the need for a new blade replacement.Estimates vary widely as to how many were killed, with numbers ranging from 20,000 to 40,000; in many cases, records were not kept, or if they were, they are considered likely to be inaccurate.Precision :the only precise record is the number of people beheaded from 1882 to 1981 (suppression of the Death penalty in France).455

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Guillotine. It would cut off the heads of the victims, during the Reign of Terror. Certain people thought it was more humane than the old way of killing people [hangings, or beheadings with axe's]. It's believed that even after you were beheaded by the guillotine you could still live up to 30 seconds.

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It was in the 18th century that the guillotine was introduced, during the French Revolution. The guillotine was designed to be more humane in contrast to other forms of execution and torture at the time such as burning at the stake, beheading by axe, and death by the breaking wheel. For minor crimes people were subject to public whipping, branding, put in stocks, or the pillory.

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How did the word guillotine come into our language?

The word guillotine originated from the last name of a French physician, Dr. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin. He proposed the use of a beheading machine as a more humane method of execution during the French Revolution. The device eventually became associated with his name and the term "guillotine" was adopted to describe it.

What is the most common type of capital punishment?

In the U.S lethal injection. is the most commonly current form of capital punishment. Otherwise, there probably is no "most common" form. Hanging in the past has certainly taken precedent. As well as beheading in France via the guillotine, or by sword or axe in other parts of the world. For a time, the electric chair and gas chamber were popular in the US.