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Why was the jacobean age called the jacobean age?

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It was called the Jacobean period.

What is Jacobean era?

Answer "Jacobean" describes the reign of King James I of England. Jacob is a variation of James.

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Galileo was the most famous Elizabethan/Jacobean scientist, credited with inventing the telescope among other things. Galileo was the most famous Elizabethan/Jacobean scientist, credited with inventing the telescope among other things.

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The cast of The Jacobean House - 1916 includes: Earle Williams as Christopher Race

What do you call the period that king James 1 ruled?

James I was the first Stuart to be king of England and Ireland from 1603 to 1625 and king of Scotland from 1567 to 1625.

What was the era called when James 1 was ruling?

James 1 started the Stuart era in 1603, after Elizabeth 1

What is a jacobean audience?

Audience in the elizabethan era

Who is jacobean era named after?

King James I

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Caroline era.