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Q: Why were European countries afraid the revolution would spread to them?
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Why did European rulers denounce the French Revolution?

Because they feared that the revolution would carry over to their countries.

What was the French Revolution tempted to?

Some were afraid that Revolution would spread across Europe and beyond.

What country spread communism to European countries?

The Soviet Union!

What country did the Industrial Revolution spread to next?

It was first in Great Britain, but it spread to Germany. The other countries caught on soon after.

How did Judaism spread throughout Europe?

As the Jews began living in all the European countries.

Which major religion was spread through migrant diffusion?

Christianity spread through migrant diffusion when European countries brought it when they settled in America.

Why did European monarchs fear the example set by the US?

The monarchs were afraid the thought of having a seemingly completely free democracy would spread, taking away the little control they had; they also didn't want another revolution, as it results in changing the authority, in their case, the monarchy.

Why did the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance fail?

Because communism had spread across the European countries at the time.

What country inspired the french renaissance?

Italy. The European Renaissance began in Italy and spread to other countries.

Is wealth concentrated or more evenly spread out in Europe?

Wealth in Europe is more concentrated, as wealth in all capitalistic countries are (European countries are mainly capitalist).

How did Britain keep the IR a secret from other countries such as the United States?

They did no such thing. The Industrial Revolution spread spontaneously.

In Europe is wealth concentrated or evenly spread out?

Wealth in Europe is more concentrated, as wealth in all capitalistic countries are (European countries are mainly capitalist).