It was only rich families that arranged was a way of keeping wealth, or getting wealth.....especially if your were in debt and needed a rich wife
love was considered to be foolish in tudor england xx
The Tudor Dynasty ruled over England.
Basically, it's just what we now call leap-frog. It long pre-dates Tudor times, dating back to the Middle Ages, but for some reason it enjoyed a popular renaissance in Tudor England!!
Chocolate came to Enland in the 1650s during the reign of Charles II long after the Tudor Period. The first Chocolate House was opened in London in 1657. It was available in Spain and France during the Tudor period.
Money and a place to live.
Rape them
ok i do this answer in my class and me class get answer monarchy
love was considered to be foolish in tudor england xx
Jennifer Tudor was born in 1939, in England, UK.
"The Tudor line" probably means the Tudor family, the Welsh family that ruled England until the death of Elizabeth I.
Valerie Tudor died in July 1997, in Devon, England, UK.
The queen of France and England is Mary Tudor
The monarchs of the Tudor Dynasty had numerous palaces all throughout England.
Most people in Tudor England lived in London.
Antony Tudor was born on April 4, 1908, in London, England, UK.