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Because the Tsar's soldiers opened fire on women and children protesting for bread. This then lead to inflation and a shortage of bread, which was then rationed. Then caused the Russian revolution.

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Q: Why were the effects of the march revolution also causes of the bolshevik revolution?
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What were three causes of the march revolution?

The February Revolution (on Woman's Day in March) involved mass demonstrations and armed fights with police and the loyal forces of the Russian monarchy. Causes of the revolution were political and economic instability, technological backwardness and fundamental social divisions.

What is a person who was part of the revolutionary group led bu lenin called?

Lenin's group was the Bolshevik Party. After the October Revolution when it was the sole power in the country and all other political parties were being eliminated, it changed its name to the Communist Party in March 1918.

One result of the revolution in Russia was that?

There were many results to the Russian Revolution of 1917. One of the most important of which were the murder of the Romanovs and the impending Russian Civil War. In addition to the above, there were two revolutions in Russia in 1917. In March of 1917, soldiers refused to fire on striking workers, and the Duma rejected Czarist commands to dissolve. Realizing he had lost control of the government, Czar Nicholas II abdicated the throne. This resulted in the creation of a new Provisional Government. Conditions did not improve in Russia after the first revolution. The second revolution was in November of 1917. This was the Bolshevik revolution which brought on the communist dictatorship and most relevant at the time was Lenin's withdrawal from WW1. This was a promise he made to the Germans in order for them to help him return to Russia from his exile.

Who were the Bolsheviks led by?

Bolsheviks were a faction of Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. They came to power as a result of October revolution in 1917. Vladimir Lenin and Alexander Bogdanov were the founders of Bolshevik faction. However, Bogdanov was expelled from the party in 1909 over differences with Lenin.

What did The Bolsheviks rename themselves?

Bolshevik was the first name of the political party headed by Vladimir Lenin and formed in 1903. Prior to 1903, the Bolsheviks were members of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. Subsequent to the October Revolution in 1917, the renamed themselves the Communist Party.

Related questions

Was Czar Nicholas II in power during the Bolshevik revolution?

No, Tsar Nicholas II was already out of power during the Bolshevik Revolution. He had abdicated his throne in March 1917 during the February Revolution of 1917. This revolution was not the Bolshevik Revolution. The Bolshevik Revolution began on October 25, 1917 (according to the old style Russian calendar).

What communist party took over Russia after the Revolution?

The Bolshevik Party took power after the October Revolution in 1917. After the February Revolution, power was vested in the Provisional Government with no particular political party in sole power.

What was the date of the Bolshevik Revolution?

The Bolshevik Revolution took place on October 25, 1917 (Old Style calendar) It was March 7, 1917 under the New Style calendar.

During the Russian Revolution what was Lenin's communist group?

Lenin's Communist group was known as the Bolshevik Party. After the revolution, in March 1918, the Bolshevik Party changed its name to the Communist Party and from then on were known as communists instead of Bolsheviks.

What happened as a result of the russian revoultion?

Which one? The March Revolution or the Bolshevik/November Revolution? I'm just going to assume you want to know about both. The March Revolution forced the czar to abdicate the throne and put a democratic Provisional Government that was planned to rule until something permantent could be put into place. The Bolshevik Revolution was the takeover of the Prosvisional Government by the Bolshevik minority in Petrograd Soviet. The Bolsheviks created a communist regime and renamed the country and the territories under its control the Soviet Union.

Who led the revolution in Russia?

The "communist revolution" was led by Vladimir Lenin and his Bolshevik Party followers. There were two Russian Revolutions in 1917. The February Revolution ousted the Czar, but was not a communist revolution. The October Revolution was orchestrated by Lenin and the Bolsheviks and ousted the Provisional Government set up after the February Revolution. The Bolshevik changed their name to Communists in March 1918.

What ended the rules of the czars?

The February Revolution of 1917 resulted in the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II and the setting up of the Provisional Government.The February Revolution, not the October (Bolshevik/Communist) Revolution ended the rule of the Czars. Tsar Nicholas II abdicated the throne on March 2 (Russian calendar; March 15 on the western Gregorian calendar), 1917. The Bolshevik/Communist Revolution occurred eight months after the Tsar stepped down ending the rule of the czars.

. What happened as a result of the Russian Revolution?

The March Revolution forced the czar to abdicate the throne and put a democratic Provisional Government that was planned to rule until something permanent could be put into place. The Bolshevik Revolution was the takeover of the Provisional Government by the Bolshevik minority in Petrograd Soviet. The Bolsheviks created a communist regime and renamed the country and the territories under its control the Soviet Union.

Who ran Russia before the Bolshevik revolution?

The Russian Provisional Government first under Prince Georgy Lvov then under Alexander Kerensky were in charge of the government in Russia just before the Bolshevik Revolution in October 1917. The Provisional Government had taken over from Tsar Nicholas II in March of that year.

How was bolshevik revolution different than the march revolution?

There was no March Revolution, per se, in Russia. There was the February Revolution and there was the October Revolution. The difference lies in the fact that February on the Julian calendar is the same a March on the Gregorian calendar. Most historians refer to it as the February Revolution, just as they refer only to he October Revolution. Primarily, the February Revolution ended with Nickolas II abdicating the throne and Imperial parliament ( the Duma) taking control of the government by establishing the Russian Provisional Government. The October Revolution ended with the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, and the workers' Soviets, overthrowing the Provisional Government. Lenin was named Chairman of the Peoples Commisars of the RFSFR on November 8, 1917.

What were the causes of the march Revolution?

The February Revolution (on Woman's Day in March) involved mass demonstrations and armed fights with police and the loyal forces of the Russian monarchy. Causes of the revolution were political and economic instability, technological backwardness and fundamental social divisions.

What group did Vladimir Lenin lead?

The Bolshevik Party (later renamed the Communist Party) led the Russian Revolution of October 1917. The previous revolution in that year, the February Revolution, was not ed by any particular political party.