

Women's role in history

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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the role women was a lot in history and they contributed a lot

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What is the womens role in history in 19th and 20th century?

Women's roles in history in the 19th and 20 century mainly revolved around the household. They bore children, were nurses, and teachers. During periods of war, they were drafted into the labor market.

What role did women played in the war?

womens role was to help as nurses womens role was to help as nurses womens role was to help as nurses Improved Answer ;] In WWI womens role: Thousands of women replaced men in factories, offices, and shops. Women built tanks and munitions, plowed fields, paved streets, and ran hospitals. They also kept troops supplied with food, clothing, and weapons.

What role did women in the war?

womens role was to help as nurses womens role was to help as nurses womens role was to help as nurses Improved Answer ;] In WWI womens role: Thousands of women replaced men in factories, offices, and shops. Women built tanks and munitions, plowed fields, paved streets, and ran hospitals. They also kept troops supplied with food, clothing, and weapons.

What role did womens in ww2 played?

They played the role of being Nurses.

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What was a womens role in the 1930's?

what did hitlar believe what a womens role should be To whoever wrote what is one the top, what were you thinking? You don't answer a question with another question.

What were Womens Role in World War 1?

womens roles were to heal th wounded and to kep them stron

What is the phone number of the Prairie Womens History Project in Lawrence Kansas?

The phone number of the Prairie Womens History Project is: 785-843-8012.

In ancient Greece what was a womens role?

To cook and clean

When and why was march declared womens history month?

cause it was

Who battle for suffrage in American history?

womens suffrage