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Q: Word that means temple for all gods?
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Why did all the victors not get everything they wanted?

they all cool have they want also it means winner check the word book some victors are cool if they go to good sherped

What pact did the big three Greek gods make after World War 2?

Unfortunately, this question makes no sense. There were no Greek gods associated with World War II. There hasn't been a tradition about any Greek gods since well before the middle ages, a couple millennia ago; WWII, on the hand, happened in modernity, less than 6 decades ago. The "Big Three," in reference to Greek gods, means Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. They have nothing at all to do with WWII. In reference to WWII, the "Big Three" means the UK, USSR, and US. They made a pact during the war, along with China and many smaller Allied nations, to unite against the Axis powers of Germany, Japan, and Italy. The Allied powers came to be known as the United Nations. The UN Charter was signed while the war was still ongoing, but it wasn't ratified until after the war ended -- this may be the "pact" to which this question refers.

Witch is the best city in England?

Coventry , because the word Coventry means the 'Dwelling of the Witches Coven'. However, I think you have your English Grammar is at fault. The question should read. "Which is the best city in England?" Note the spelling of the word Witch/Which. Witch is a female sorceress. Which is placing a question. The best city in England. Probably London, because all foreign visitors go there.

How much of the world did Kublai Khan rule?

All of the known word in Eurasia

Was a nickname for the Germans in World War 1 'the Bosch'?

yes, this derived from the French that was 'Tête de boche' . Boche was taken to mean 'hard headed' and 'rascal' and was used by the French to describe the German soldiers. (OED). The word 'boche' seems to come from the German word 'Bock' which means 'billy-goat' or 'buck'. Colloquially it can imply stubbornness (PONS German Dictionary). I bet you didn't want to know all that

Related questions

What was a pantheon?

The greek pantheon was a "family", so to speak, of gods assembled on Mt. Olympus, or in certain gods cases, else were. It is located in Athens Greece

What does dei omne tempus means?

A temple of all gods

What is a domed temple to all the Roman gods?

Pantheon. (Which is actually a Greek word for the Roman building.)

What is the roman temple to all gods called?

The Roman temple to all the gods is called the Pantheon.The Roman temple to all the gods is called the Pantheon.The Roman temple to all the gods is called the Pantheon.The Roman temple to all the gods is called the Pantheon.The Roman temple to all the gods is called the Pantheon.The Roman temple to all the gods is called the Pantheon.The Roman temple to all the gods is called the Pantheon.The Roman temple to all the gods is called the Pantheon.The Roman temple to all the gods is called the Pantheon.

What is collection of gods and goddesses of a people?

It is a pantheon.Pantheon literally means "temple of all gods."It is usually a set of all the gods of a particular polytheistic religion or mythology.

What was the pantheon first used for?

A pantheon was a temple dedicated to all deities. Normally, temples were dedicated to one or two gods or, rarely, three gods. A pantheon, instead, was dedicated to the all deities. The word is Greek and combines pan (all) and theon (of or for all the gods) which meant a temple of/for all the gods. The Greeks built pantheons and the Romans built pantheons throughout the Roman Empire.

What Revolutionaries in Paris gave the Catholice church this pagan name which means temple for all the gods?

The revolutionaries in Paris referred to the Catholic church as "Pantheon," which means temple for all the gods. This name was given during the French Revolution in the late 18th century as part of the effort to secularize the church and create a space to honor important French figures.

Which word means all the gods in Greek?

Pantheos. pan means all and theos means god. pantheon is temple built in rome in 27 b.c. for "all the gods"

What temple was dedicated to all gods?

The Pantheon.

What name is a building used for the worship of gods?

The Greeks built many temples. Usually they were dedicated to one or two gods. One type of temple, the pantheon, was dedicated to all gods. The most famous Greek temple is the Parthenon in Athens.

What is a temple built to honor gods?

A temple dedicated to all the gods is called a pantheon. The Pantheon in Rome is the finest example of the construction of this type of temple.

Why was the great temple important?

Temples were important in all the ancient religions of all ancient peoples, not just that of the Romans. They were dedicated to a god, two gods, or a trinity of gods. They were the places where the gods were worshipped. A particular kind of temple, the pantheon, was dedicated to all gods.